So it’s finally okay to get baked and stream Trapped in the Closet again? Huzzah!!!
So it’s finally okay to get baked and stream Trapped in the Closet again? Huzzah!!!
“Are we allowed to charge customers money and not give them anything?”
FCW doesn’t count in canon. Hell NXT barely counts unless they want it to.
“Just think of all the money we’re saving by not promoting this movie!” -Zazlav on the next investors call
The Rotunda family (along with the Windham family, which he was also a part of and where he got his first name) were legendary wrestling families, and the character of Bray was that he was a loner who formed his own “family” in the Louisiana swamps, so it isn’t that surprising in kayfabe that they would distance…
I was actually just saying to a friend, in the wake of Terry Funk’s very sad but (at the age of 80 and after having lived a very full life) not exactly tragic passing, that we haven’t had nearly as many wrestlers dying at a ridiculously young age like we used to on a monthly basis. This is an absolute gut punch. He…
My (then) 5 year-old crowd surfed on an inflatable alligator at an Aquabats show one time. But yeah, this is way too young, no way did that baby know what was going on.
It’s gonna be super funny to see this condescending jackass find out he is going precisely nowhere in the Republican primary because he isn’t white.
He was!
I’m sure the middle-aged woman proudly pole dancing in a bikini to Nine Inch Nails (and looking awesome doing it) is really worried about public embarrassment.
Just think, in 10 years the Disney movie will be in the public domain and YouTube fan filmmakers can do a shot-for-shot remake with all the original songs and cast whomever they want. The chaos will be glorious.
Social media content creators. That is the entire answer.
If I never have to sit through The Discourse again on one of these goddamn Disney remakes it’ll be too goddamn soon. Everyone just go watch Once Upon a Time again, it plays around with the motivations (and races) of a bunch of beloved Disney characters, and no one cared because Fox News didn’t tell them to.
He’ll turn on her. He hates when people try to glom onto him without him thinking of it first.
It’s purposely ambiguous because it’s ambiguous what happened to her. Oppenheimer would never truly know, and neither will we.
Oh it’s EXTREMELY funny that a cop did this. But I don’t need a fucking dissertation on the deeper societal meaning. Just enjoy watching Johnny Law fall on his face!
*watches dumb video of cop falling over* “cAn’T hAnDlE a LiTtLe ThOuGhT bRo!!1!”
Ricci Sergienko, an organizer at People’s City Council, a group that organizes against policing, told Jezebel the massive cultural reaction to the slide video stems in part from the obvious physical comedy. But it’s also funny because it took a children’s slide to deliver some form of karmic “justice” in a society…