All jokes aside, it’s still a massively popular show amongst teenagers who watched in in the 90s, & it’s constantly on syndication.
All jokes aside, it’s still a massively popular show amongst teenagers who watched in in the 90s, & it’s constantly on syndication.
Except both of those shows ran for multiple seasons, so obviously they found an audience.
“Goddamn, this is a dark fuckin’ period!”
Rosie O’Donnell? (she threw the ball in League)
Oh and I fully, fully respect that. Again, I’m very sorry you’re sick.
I’m genuinely sorry you got sick, but breakthrough cases are comparatively rare and mild, and at some point people can’t just hide away for the rest of existence. I could get COVID while vaccinated, just like I could die of a car crash while wearing a seatbelt. I still hold non-seatbelt wearers in contempt.
Literally the only reason I’m even mildly concerned anymore is because my youngest is too young to be vaccinated. Once the kids can get the shot all bets are off, let the plauge rats pass it among themselves.
So NOW Rich is concerned about being around people in public?!
I mean, she’s not wrong? Content creators/stars make money for viral IG posts or YouTube videos. Why not this?
Legit had no idea she was trans. I doubt Joe-Bob and Bryan who are going to be yelling in these videos will have any idea either.
I fondly look forward to all the white dudes recording videos of themselves driving their pickup trucks and yelling about how Girl Pinhead is ruining American society or something.
Resented by his recently widowed father (Devon Sawa)
The last episode was the weakest of the series, but “fell apart” is typical A.V. Club snark hyperbole.
*slowly raises into the frame of the Bat signal, Batman Returns-style*
I say this as someone who doesn’t like The Black Album: Who cares? This is like trying to “convert the naysayers” that Titanic or Forrest Gump are good movies. The Black Album has sold approximately 7 quadzillion copies and counting, who gives a shit if some pissed off dudes in Megadeth shirts with lifetime…
It was! That movie’s “people will commit literal genocide in order to preserve fossil fuel profits” plotline has aged EXTREMELY well!
At least Tyson did actual hard time in actual no-fucking-around prison for what he did.
Spicer never totally disavowed Trump though, so Trumpworld still give him a pass. Grisham is right, though, she has no future after this, both sides hate her. I hope she invested her book advance well.
Ugh, remember when Jezebel were wagging their finger at mean ol’ Tom Cruise for being a mean ol’ meanie? Then publishing sympathetic essays about #gaysovercovid? Fucking gross.
Even Ezekiel thinks that my mind is gone!