South of Heaven

Season of the Witch is unquestionably the best movie ever made about Celtic druids opening a costume company in a northern California town and using stolen pieces of Stonehenge to curse Halloween masks via a subliminal message in a television commercial to cause kids’ heads to explode into a bunch of bugs and snakes.

Which first 3? Halloween 78, Halloween II 81, & Halloween III? Or I, II, & H20? Or I, Halloween 18, & Kills?

Now playing

American Dad did a better job of explaining Iran-Contra in 5 minutes than most news programs.

That’s the Ross-and-Rachel “we were on a break” defense.

Christian Scientists, I would imagine.

but you have to realize how bad this sounds to a person who is already antivax or vax hesitant.

The Lily James one? Yeah it isn’t bad.

Definitely avoid all European historical dramas from the 60s.

Why the hell are you in the greys?

Oh no, a Halloween movie got negative reviews?! How will the franchise survive this?

This isn’t a new criticism though. People made plenty of “nobody could afford the Friends apartments” jokes back in the show’s heyday.

I hope I live long enough to see the era when superhero movies only come out once every couple years, but every one that comes out is considered a piece of Important Cinema and gets immediate Oscar consideration.

The garbage can with the hole on top that’s a little too small! Da moovees!!!

Why on earth would this be a “guilty” pleasure?! This movie is delightful!

This movie is full of three dimensional characters. The evil stepmother even gets a little line about how badly she was abused as a child, and Angelical Huston sells it perfectly while never letting you lose the desire to see her downfall. Great goddamn movie.

I watched this movie on a date in high school, and I just watched it a month ago with my youngest daughter. Totally holds up.

Deep cut reference, I like it!

Lil Nas X is going to put all these boring old heteros out to pasture.

Here’s hoping they pull a Meloncholia/Seeking a Friend for the End of the World and don’t chicken out on the ending.

Are you kidding me? This sounds awesome! The New Day are incredible and this is exactly how I want them to use The Undertaker, in dumb fun spooky shit like the Boneyard Match.