South of Heaven

That’s exactly it. Simmons was a public school teacher in New York and now through his own business movies is a multimillionaire. He’s exactly what Trump wishes he was. Simmons is human garbage on many levels but intelligence ain’t one of them.

I know he didn’t seriously refer to this movie as an ‘exciting change’ and go straight into “We live in A Society”-speak.

Kanye’s dumb ass being dethroned by a gay Black Gen-Z kid is exactly what the world needs right now.

What the hell is going on in that picture? Where are his ears?

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Also big ups for this amazingly hilarious, weirdly heartbreaking bit of comedy.

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As a 40 year-old who grew up as a 90s teen on a steady diet of 60s & 70s classic rock, I feel a savage justification in always finding Eric Clapton to be an overrated, pompous, annoying, boring jackass. *blasts Hendrix*

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she talks about how there’s a word for a child whose lost their parents (an orphan) and for a person whose lost their spouse (a widow), but no word for a parent whose lost their child.

You are a bad person.

Well yeah, after his “Alleged Rapists & Confirmed Homophones on Parade” live stunt show, who wouldn’t want to jump on the Kanye train?

The lesson, as always, is to never unironically enjoy anything unless the Twitter mob has decreed it acceptable (Brendan Fraser’s entire filmography is apparently safe now).

Cool, now do G.L.O.W.

I still can’t believe that idiots on the internet thought it was a good idea to try and make people feel bad about getting in their feelings about a line of dialogue about grief. Like, I dunno if you didn’t notice, but there is, shall we say an unusually high number of people on the planet who are grieving right now.

JESUS CHRIST, I wish so much that I wasn’t completely indifferent to everything the Foo Fighters have recorded since their first two albums. Dave Grohl is the ultimate pop culture babyface, he is just the most wholesome, awesome dude on the planet. PLEASE MAKE BETTER MUSIC, DAVE.

Eddie Murphy making a lowkey comeback to movies that don’t totally suck has been a real treat.

I didn’t see Big Eyes, but I did find Big Fish weirdly very affecting. Other than that, Sweeney Todd is the only good thing of his that I’ve seen in quite awhile. The lack of Johnny Depp here has me cautiously optimistic.

I mean, they aren’t wrong. It’s been like 4 hours since I last ate and I’m fucking jonesing.

Her Twitter feed is legitimately awesome. She has completely owned her public reputation. It rules.

Fucking beautiful.

Didn’t A Cure for Wellness trailerize “I Wanna Be Sedated”?