
Oh my poor, poor friend...... We engineers could come up with and implement a *much* more over-engineered solution than that in a heartbeat!! With our hands tied behind our collective backs and blindfolded. You have unwittingly unleashed a challenge upon the internet!! Even in a time when *anything* can be and is

Any recommendations for Android

“Yeah, well I was into soup before it was cool!”

“Dutch Oven Steamer Basket” has a nice ring to it for a band name...

“Hey, Dan! Dan!! Are you gonna have another, or what?! And why the fuck is there fruit in yer beer?”

Yeah, as an impartial party, I detected a little of what you were referring and at first thought the OP was trolling a little. But the second paragraph seemed to indicate they really were asking and didn’t understand.

Yeah, I know that all too well my friend. I have had MANY temp positions that didn’t pan out, but this one is supposed to be contract-to-hire, so I really don’t know what is going on. They knew going in they wanted/needed to hire me/someone and the contract part was just a way to “test drive” me without having to

Thank you! I was about to post something like:

I wouldn’t have believed you unless I had seen it first hand with my own grandmother. I thought my mom was crazy when she first mentioned it and I thought it was a “wive’s tale” side effect or unrelated. As her UTI got better, her dementia radically improved. Then I thought it was due to stress or a coincidence. My

Not necessarily. People who groom have been found to be cleaner and more careful overall. And people that groom are also less likely to have cancer because typically being more sexually active with more partners, a gentleman (or gentlewoman) will make their partner breakfast in the morning, which is the most important

I have a bit of a scenario that I will let the peoples of the internet mull about.

Haha that was good! It took me a minute and had to google her because I couldn’t remember what she looked like.

I had to wipe the energy drink off my work monitor, thank you very much!

The last part of your comment was the most important. Everybody knows everything about anything all the freaking time and you are always going to be wrong! So forget them and do your thing without them pestering the ever-loving crap out of you before they get there. Once they taste that delicious turkey, they won’t

Haha. Thank you! I’m here all week. And remember to tip your waitress!

I guarantee you are not the only one being fed widely contradictory info lol.

Well, thank you! I certainly have plenty of experience with royally screwing up both...

Ugh... I honestly don’t know who / what is worse, HR or credit scores.
