sour plum

Khloe and Kourtney take Menhattan? (I apologize)

Everyone calls it Whole Paycheck. No one calls it Whole Check except for Jezebel.

Not enough people will get this, but I want to be friends with everyone who does.

Pretty sure Ronan is referring to Scalia’s dissent.


Eh. Melisandre is right there at Castle Black. I don’t believe Jon Snow is dead until I see his skeleton. But at least now it’s a race to see who gets to him first - Melisandre or the White Walkers.

That is seriously fucked up. Dressing baby in adorable leather jacket or letting your kid give the bad touch to other kids...

Well only 25% of their children were molested, so...

Yeah, that doesn’t seem fair to Kim K.

I mean, I’m sure Kim isn’t perfect, but unless we discover that she and Kanye have been regularly bloodletting North in order to perform Satanic rituals or something, I’m preeeeeeetty sure she’s a better mom than Michelle Duggar.

I see this all the time. Who was she talking about??

My favourite is “it is in my heart to forgive. I will keep her in my prayers” re Christina Aguilera saying in an interview that Mariah was rude to her.

Or all people for that matter. When we go out into the world almost all of us are covering up truths about ourselves, how we are feeling, what we are thinking...

And honestly, they probably do think they’re being open and honest with people. Besides, what did we do to deserve their 100% honesty? We’d probably ridicule them for it.

I know. I can’t believe more people aren’t pointing that out. Karyn is the worst

chicken wings (cough)

Yeah, let’s remember what Ahab wanted to do to Moby Dick—kill it. Not love it.

As Sally said, her parents just “ooze” when people pay attention to them.

I think the theme for Don this season, is that he’s realizing he’s not special anymore. And also that he’s getting old. I think almost every episode there is somoene reminding him he’s old. Megan a few episodes back, Sally, Diana (at some point maybe?) and Betty last night.

Thanks for the boner update!