sour plum

He talks about it in television talk show interviews. He’s endearingly nerdy about it.

Vin has his D&D character’s name, “Melkor” tattooed on him. He is THE nerd of Hollywood.

Um, so I just fell in love, anyone else?? (Also HOW THE FUCK DID I NOT KNOW THIS??)

Blac Chyna has lost me. Yeah, Kylie Jenner is probably an asshole, but she’s also 17 years old and a grown-ass woman shitting on a teenager is lame. Tyga deserves all the scorn in the world, but Chyna seems to be focusing on shading and/or slamming Kylie, which reads as kind of pathetic. I think she knows she gets

Yo, didn’t Chyna post screenshots of Tyga messaging her along the lines of, “BABY COME BACK, YOU CAN BLAME IT ALL ON MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”

This exact thing happened to me early in my career. I had four to five years of experience and the highest level of education.

Four years more experience and a masters degree ? I am losing my mind over here. I guess even though I am a 30-something white male, I am just too damn pragmatic to comprehend that decision/bullshit !

I worked in a similar situation one time (at a factory) where a guy started on the same day as me. He SHOT up the ranks and I was literally left in the corner, doing simple assembly. That place was the most blatantly sexist place I’ve ever seen. Nobody ever even spoke to me. Seriously, nobody spoke to me except one

I was hired at a job and offered a choice of two similar positions, one of which offered a bit more pay for a bit more work. After a few months found out the guy they hired for the “less work less pay” position was making the same hourly wage as me. And I had more experience in the field than him.

Ugh. Now this is the stuff that gets my blood boiling. There’s ABSOLUTELY no excuse for it. And honestly, it’s just a bad way to run a business.

Oh hi, the endless loop of raise misery that seems to happen all too often. I can’t tell if my terrible salary and mediocre raises have anything to do with being a woman or with having started in a position in the company that lacks prestige. All I know is that a man got hired into another department at nearly three

I literally had them use the excuse at some point that I had to “earn” the title by doing the job without the title for a year, and then they’d award me the actual title and pay once I’d “proved” myself. This was after I’d ALREADY been doing the extra work for almost a year. To make it worse, the work required

Yes, this happened to me just today. Was told that I’d get a one-time bump up to get me to X, instead got a 0.9% “raise.”

Oh my god, rage. I was played that “Still in the HR request, it’s happening so soon though!” song at a previous job for FOUR AND A HALF YEARS. Meanwhile, they were more than happy to pile on responsibilities until I was running operations for the entire department (and while multiple men with less experience or

Oh, man, that’s just one reason I’m glad I’m in a union position. We get mandatory raises on a regular schedule. I usually get double the minimum because I work my ass off, and I know from talking to the other people in my group that most people aren’t getting raises as high as mine.

How is that even CLOSE to ok?! I don’t...I just....AUGH! WTF?! *rage anneurism*


EXACTLY the same here. And my boss is a woman :(

That makes me so enraged for you. ugh, ugh, ugh.