sour plum

So, admittedly, I’ve been watching Last Man on Earth and, while I’m not totally into it, Forte suddenly struck me as very... cute. So I Googled. And I Googled. And I found... nothing about any relationship, ever. So I figured that he might be gay, mostly due to lack of evidence he was straight. It’s also possible he’s

I don’t know. I don’t recall that, but this is also the first person I can recall hearing him attached to anyone.

um imma let you finish but...

Good god, yes! Just made slightly differently. I think it's cooked longer/slower?? But still essentially stock. This is not some new health miracl. Ugh. My paleo friends on fb are driving me batshit posting pictures of their bone broth and im all, "cool, i had soup today, too! "'

No, bone broth has tiny, microscopic gnomes in it that remove toxins from your body.

I think it just got rebranded for the Paleo crowd but...yeah it's just brothy broth.

Still the best policy to act like you aren't, that way no else has an excuse to make it their business to your face.

I mean, I hope so, but I doubt it. It's pretty obvious to me that she's caught up in the same controlling cycle that Rihanna was. And as easy as it is to mock her, it kind of sucks that no one sees that.

I am 110 percent behind this. I LOVE Marisa Tomei.

Of course Rancic responds with the typicsl, "race had nothing to do with it" bullshit. SMH at this blatant racism from two untalented, unintelligent, bigoted white women.

Beat me to it.

Honestly I can't remember Kanye ever saying anything derogatory about Amber rose until she started blasting his family and calling his wife a whore. If someone started calling my family members down in public like that I would fucking step into the ring with some words of my own too no matter how respectful a distance

seriously, i don't understand why yesterday, people were so chill with amber slutshaming kim, they were praising her over it, and now somehow, even when Kanye is being the asshole, people are still insulting her

I literally adore her and I don't give a shit what anybody says. That woman gives NO FUCKS. She is going to live her live and make her money and have her rich ass rapper husband and raise her beautiful daughter and basically have everything the way she fucking wants it and if that makes everybody's head's explode

I can understand that, but I don't get why everybody is giving amber rose a free pass when she initiated the slutshaming towards Kim. it's understandable, though not excusable, than he did it, he will get shit for it, and he deserves it. but people acting like amber is like one fucking cool lady when she isn't - idk,

oh yeah, LOL at the jezzies shitting over that line. like dawg, she turned a sex tape into a million dollar business instead of being apologetic about it. she endorses multiple products, makes serious fucking bank, has enormous influence over the media. how the fuck is she NOT powerful?

amber called his wife a bigger whore for making a sex tape - even though khloe was the one who replied to her. she also made digs at khloe's paternity. i don't feel too bad for amber rose

yeah, totally its almost like amber hasn't done anything even remotely similar to that

If Kim had dated me when I first wanted to be with her, there would be no Amber Rose..