sour plum

Actually the Love Actually kid is the Game of Thrones kid, sorry to burst your bubble Anna

You can see her actual (or more realistic) waistline here and she looks f-ing bomb. Body goals. Bless the big-hipped girls and thank you KK for making it hot!

I'm digging her playful expressions. Fully nude with sheer joy across her face, instead of her typical fuck-me-face she makes in photos (or she is told to make - I don't know who is in charge).

I think she look really hot. She looks happy. And the shaming about her posing nude because *gasp*!!! she is a mother, makes me sad. She looks good. And oily.

Look at lines in the curtains. They should be vertical, but they're curving inwards towards her body.

That's spelled "Rih."

Spoken like somebody who has never met a Latino. Most Latin American countries foster Mestizaje as a large part of their cultural identities, ESPECIALLY the countries you named. But, okay. Keep thinking that.

Oops I meant to reply to the article itself. Sorry, Plum!


Urge to kill rising.

That jus confirmed that this is the most perfect brand/celebrity synergy since Bob Dylan did ads for Victoria's Secret.

Hahahaha omg. It's like they designed it FOR her.


ddin't know there was such a thing as "wtforever21". RIP productivity

BLESS, PART TWO. we're all in this situation together, you know?

Don't forget Deb Antney!

A: I agree on all accounts, it's weird.

is that a calf or in fact a FOREARM tattoo? if calf i am v impressed at drake's flexibility/leg strength. if forearm i want to be held in those prayer hands emoji arms.

Yeah, and whoever is still buying it, please explain yourself. Do you live in a twilight fog where thinking Jennifer Aniston is always about to have her first baby makes you happy? Or is it the dull monotony of a Groundhog's Day for the maternally obsessed that you constantly leaves you crushed when you find out she's

No, I don't get it, either. Looking at imdb, I've barely heard of many of the movies she's done in the past 10 years, and it doesn't even seem like she's done that much. Which, that's fine, she's rich as hell! But you can't tell me her publicist isn't planting alllll of these stories.