

I love Domhnall Gleeson, but

Thank you for your service <3

Highly recommend reading this Twitter thread from a service member who served under Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell; heartbreaking.

Dean Winchester would be disappointed.

Ah, Beautiful Creatures...those books and that movie were a total mess! But I did like Alden Ehrenreich. The next movie I saw him was Stoker, and I was like, no give me back his character from Beautiful Creatures! 

And then to see local Detroit news reporting that it might have been a potential suicide? It’s just heartbreaking.

I woke up to about 9 text messages about Chris Cornell. Not the news I was expecting to kick off my day...I never got the chance to see Soundgarden, but I did see Audioslave in ‘06 with my cousins, and it remains one of my fav concert experiences. We were soooo close the stage, and Chris was such a great frontman and

Same. I quote it far more than I should.....(why a spoon, cousin?)

They showed the stat* last night: Rangers have led for 146 minutes the entire series; Sens only like 4:11. And they’ve been tied like 10 minutes or so?

I know, I know. It’s definitely a rhetorical question. But the ignorance is unreal most days....

+1. I keep asking my husband how the hell did these people even get elected in the first place? It’s mind-boggling.

I am so sorry; a coworker is going through a similar situation with her husband. I truly don’t understand and can’t fathom why moderates rolled over on this. The whole situation is FUBAR.


LOL thanks for the afternoon chuckle :)

I try to explain it to my husband whenever the reference comes up and he always gives me blank looks.

+1 shiny.

Oh I know... *sigh* it might be a very short post-season.

Fellow Rangers fan and agree with you...especially since the Bell Centre is like Hank’s personal House of Horrors.

Agreed and +1000 for all the the Sebastian Stan GIFs