Admittedly I’ve only seen Kill List (which I love) but before the trailer dropped I was so pumped for this. I thought Wheatley would be a good match for the material and it was going to be so weird and horny :/ what a bummer.
Admittedly I’ve only seen Kill List (which I love) but before the trailer dropped I was so pumped for this. I thought Wheatley would be a good match for the material and it was going to be so weird and horny :/ what a bummer.
The Beetljuice ‘Day-O’ scene is one of my favorite moments in all of cinema, and my favorite ‘micro-genre’ of movie scene - people involuntarily dancing. (See also: the Floor Show from Rocky Horror Picture Show)
I’m not sure if kids cruise anymore but this scene spoke to an entire generation of young adults who had spent the weekends of their teenage years aimlessly driving around, looking for parties and rocking out when an iconic song came on the radio
and yet, the rural states are running roughshod over the overpopulated states.
Righteously mule-pissed, you mean.
Many Red States have been purging voter roles.
I disagree. John’s right in his approach because too many people think that they can just vote this type of institutional corruption out and be done with it. It’s been there no matter what party was voted for... It’s not going to end with the election of Joe Biden and it damn sure ain’t ending under another Trump…
I always feel like a dick doing it
this is kinda a hilariously British-casted movie, the accents are going to be buckwild.
Or, hear me out, it’s okay to like things that influenced you as a kid and it’s okay to be bummed out when the author is revealed to be a bigot.
On a sidenote: Why does Snyder hate on Whedon’s cut so much, like it was a personal attack? He talks as if Whedon stole the film from him, but Snyder voluntarily left.
Come on Disney, go for the live-action The Black Cauldron remake next
I liked Good Time a lot more than Uncut Gems, personally. The black comedy hits way more reliably here, in large part due to Buddy Duress’s absolutely ridiculous performance. Every dumb fucking thing that comes out of Ray’s mouth had me rolling.
That little girl is so badass. She’s going places.
The car horn thing also struck me as self-defeating (Not to mention the logistics of “Could you pick up the kids after school today? I’d get them with the other car, but, y’know, I have to leave it parked in front of that house.”) but nothing about racism makes a damn lick of sense, so...
I thought, “Chekov’s bear trap.”
(Chekov’s elevator)
Fuck cancer and fuck this year.