
You need help.

This looks like a burger you would eat over the course of a few days-or maybe split between a group of friends and or homeless folks. Looks damn tasty too, I might add.

The 3DS version has terrible framerate drops tho!

That analyst who said that in the article actually says they need to do five to TEN million to be considered successful. That just sounds ridiculous to me.

That's pretty much my setup now. PC, PS3, and 3DS XL. Thinking about the games I feel like I absolutely need to play it just worked itself out that way.

That's some pretty awesome shit you have! Well, besides the Angry Birds; thems can eat a dick.

Here's an awesome pic I took at my last Buckethead show. He also hooked me up with a cool toy frying pan in exchange for a bic lighter.

Hahaha, serious?

You're creeping me out.

:( :( :( yeah, my bad.

Morbidly obese, sweating, Dorito residue all over his hands and shirt, etc.

It certainly looks damn good.

Fuck the police.

It looks like the Reptar Wagon to me.

You beat me to it. I love Minchin.

But if you open your window the monsters can get in!

Dude, I found a little. Look at the replies to Luke Plunkett's comment on this article.

Is the marketing brainwashing you too? This song ALMOST makes me want to play this game. Almost.

No problem!

Hmm, don't think I've had a burger made from roast, but I've made plenty of steakburgers. I'd typically use pieces of sirloin that would otherwise be discarded. That makes a damn fine burger. I've always wanted to try a Kobe burger. Unfortunately I've never been to Japan, but I'm afraid if I do go there are a million