Gidget Castrillon

Yes. But the point is that when the president of the United States of America acts like a shit-head kid, it emboldens shit-head kids to become actual scum-bags.

They don’t respect themselves. It’s unconscious self-loathing. They have internalized their culture’s hatred of women.

It’s so evident in everything they do. If they care so much about fetuses, why remove prenatal care in the health insurance? Why are they making the argument of ‘why should men have to pay for pregnancy care.’ They want women so financially desperate that we have to stay with a man. They want to make it more expensive

The problem is that it’s much easier to wreck things than to build them.

Like, one party says “We want to make your lives better!” and the other party more-or-less flat-out says, “We want to take away what you have to make ourselves richer!” and then they win?

I don’t think it’s that they’re good actors. I think that it’s because not enough people are seriously willing to call their bluff and really say, “put up or shut up”. So brainwashed are people by the extreme capitalist culture, which makes it seem reasonable that anyone could work hard enough to deserve a net worth

I don’t understand the American two-party system. How can you have one party in favour of every single thing a liberal democracy stands for: human rights, civil rights, equality and fairness (judicial, social, and regulatory), basic human freedoms, access for all to health and prosperity, safe workplaces,

It’s partly the gerrymandering. Creating so many “safe” districts has made it so the extremists can get elected, which leads to this. They don’t think they should compromise on anything, so they really get out there.

I call them forced birthers. They do not promote life in any way.

Mostly white states want to force the white girls and women to bear children regardless of how it hurts or kills them. It’s all about keeping the numbers up, enslaving the girls and women to the men that want to do this to them. It’s sad to see so many women going along with it.

That’s how I feel too. I mean what’s so great about us? Or even good? Besides this kind of stuff, environmentally we’re a joke. The American dream? That’s a made up fantasy to indoctrinate us to work 70 hours a week in hopes that we’ll eventually get rich. We are such a selfish, sick society.

Agreed. The scandals of Trump’s White House may be a somewhat unique but the policy is pretty typical

Not sure I agree. It certainly did when Bush Jr. came to power; hell, he destroyed dozens of government programs that nobody would have imagined getting rid of during the Clinton years, and even tried to destroy Social Security. It CERTAINLY did when Reagan came to power: he basically laid the groundwork for the

It’s true. All of these celebs that we admire.... 99% of them belong to the 1%. They don’t call them good actors for nothing.

It.. doesn’t usually. That’s what’s so horrifying about the GOP’s current regime. Even 4 years ago many of these actions (cutting funding for Meals on Wheels as a prime example) would have been considered anathema. Only the most extreme conservatives held what are now moderate republican views.

The closures over funding cuts could have probably been avoided if all of the supposed socially progressive celebrity democrats really put their money where theirs mouths are and donated some of their millions. Like, seriously: to the point of selling that extra house they have, wherever, if need be. $3 million?

Because the antidote to an unqualified celebrity in the White House is another unqualified celebrity?

It’s from 1936 and yeah, when Nazi parenting tips are more human, than your group’s, you should do some serious rethinking.

I find myself in a constant chess match with myself over my dwindling sympathy/compassion for the Duggar girls vs. EVERYONE in that family being an unrepentant scheissenheimer in every aspect of their lives— including (but not limited to) shielding molesters and explaining it all away as part of “God’s plan”.

“..the Duggar family has said they’re only suing now to “protect all children adults who are victims of abuse” FTFY