I think it is based on how he said Bundchen. I think most Americans probably say it like bunch and not boon like he did.
I think it is based on how he said Bundchen. I think most Americans probably say it like bunch and not boon like he did.
So “Matt”...can you describe for us in detail what a strawberry tastes like, and how good it is when paired with a hot cup of joe?
Going to play Devil’s advocate here: I grew up in SE Ohio where the opioid/heroin problem is arguably worse. The small towns where these terrible situations take hold do not have the same manpower or financial resources the larger cities have to address the myriad issues that opioid abuse creates. This may be the only…
How do you exist in Texas and not have a working knowledge of football?
It’s our religion.
For any of the unfrosted ones....you gotta toast them....then spread some butter on top...let it melt....then enjoy. You will change your mind about unfrosted...and because of this they are definitely #1. However, brown sugar cinnamon should be a bit higher, but I can forgive it since the top 2 are truly superior.
Sure sounds like the writer is making a lot of excuses for people caught with an illegal gun and pot. And if you have been to this lounge many, many times are you a ND grad? Not a very objective article...
(This is a great—and tragic—story about a race walker.)
I don’t think anyone actually knows how incredibly difficult water polo is...because most of the insanity is below water (with the exception of head blows above the water). In this sense, I would say it would kill most people because they would actually assume they would be able to play it without dying...the other…
Beachbody people need to be ranked in the top 3. No I don’t want to spend $130 on a month supply of shakes, no I don’t want to be a coach, no I don’t want to take advice from a person who masquerades as a nutritionist/dietitian/trainer.
Well, that about wraps up the case, then! Good work, detective!
Well crap...I especially love how this blogger only approves certain comments...says she does not “judge”...but in her blog writes “In my opinion, though the Gaineses say they put Christ first, they don’t.”....sounds like a judgment, and a pretty harsh one at that.
Does the author of this post do some self-chastising for spending all her godly christian time writin’ up blog posts and neglectin’ her mandated duties?
I am fresh off a 2 day business trip and about to leave for another one on Monday... I need to remember to thank my husband for putting our son to bed since he is not Biblically mandated to do so! Thanks for the tip! :)
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