Only in the pros....yeah it’s one of those rules they just cannot extend to the college guys....cause THAT makes sense.
Only in the pros....yeah it’s one of those rules they just cannot extend to the college guys....cause THAT makes sense.
Holy crap she is a blonde Tia Russell from Uncle Buck.....even the way she talks....dang.
Not saying this doesn’t still hold weight, but that article is 11 years old. I would like to see what the update is on this.
For any of the unfrosted gotta toast them....then spread some butter on top...let it melt....then enjoy. You will change your mind about unfrosted...and because of this they are definitely #1. However, brown sugar cinnamon should be a bit higher, but I can forgive it since the top 2 are truly superior.
I don’t think anyone actually knows how incredibly difficult water polo is...because most of the insanity is below water (with the exception of head blows above the water). In this sense, I would say it would kill most people because they would actually assume they would be able to play it without dying...the other…
No...just no...
No...just no..
Beachbody people need to be ranked in the top 3. No I don’t want to spend $130 on a month supply of shakes, no I don’t want to be a coach, no I don’t want to take advice from a person who masquerades as a nutritionist/dietitian/trainer.
Well crap...I especially love how this blogger only approves certain comments...says she does not “judge”...but in her blog writes “In my opinion, though the Gaineses say they put Christ first, they don’t.”....sounds like a judgment, and a pretty harsh one at that.
Talib clearly didn't learn about a fall guy
soccer golf
The man barely has a voice anymore. It is sometimes painful to listen to, especially at the end of sentences (even if he has only been speaking for 10 seconds). I buy it, I think he will retire.
I have heard that from my larger friend...she wears 2. IMO it seems like a good solution to not compressing too much, but just enough to where 1 bra may not suffice. This band looks like it is potentially cutting off some blood supply/providing TOO much compression. I could be totally wrong, heck I am no doctor, but…
Even if he was sitting in the rafters this would annoy me. People like that should just stay home.
I like to think this would be incredibly fun and worthwhile....but I am not so sure I wouldn’t experience vertigo like the man in the last article referenced. Yikes.
I knew I had seen him somewhere before
Just taaaaaaaaap it in