
You know, when I am meeting with members of our global team, I always take five minutes to Google customs of the country in question. It takes five literal minutes and it helps me avoid looking like a stupid idiot. And I’m just a finance scrub. I’m not the president, and I put more effort into fostering

Yes, but they were in AMERICA. In America, we clamp down on your hand like a vice, stare directly into your eyes as a display of dominance and shake until a little bit of poop falls out.

Cultural etiquette 101:

Hello. I’m not American. Can someone tell me why America thought it was a good idea to make a functionally illiterate man with severe personality disorders the President of the United States of America?

I have a friend from Africa (no details because I don’t want to dox him). He and his wife moved here almost 15 years ago on student visas. They have stayed in the country legally and jumped through a million hurdles to do so. While here, they have had two kids. Except for the fact that they’re black, they are the

Anyone wonder what evil looks like?

When Trump said he would create 25 million new jobs I bet no one thought they would all be working for the ACLU.

Oh god this is monstrous and heart breaking. I don’t understand how this woman is expected to live after being wrenched from her family. But yeah, this would have totally been the same situation if Hillary had been president, right? Since election night, this is exactly the kind of thing i have been afraid of.

Jesus christ. With all of the problems law enforcement and our legal system need to be concerned with... we’re fucking throwing out human beings like we’re throwing out the trash. Dammit people! Just... dammit.

Amnesty is the only answer, you fuckwads!!!

Exactly my thought.

They are out of their element, and not smart enough.

Everyone can slip up speaking every now and then — transcripts of real human conversations frequently seem garbled because people will mangle the occasional word or sentence, abruptly shift from one sentence to another, etc. But a high rate of speech errors can also be a sign of, well, bullshitting — something that

I apologize and I rectified.

Decimation is in the eye of the beholder. At least 62 million Trump voters look at this as an attack by the biased liberal media on a good conservative woman who made a mistake and admitted it.

If the media didn’t cover the masterminds, then how is she referencing the ABC story about it from 3 years ago...

I mean, let’s be honest, any network that invites her on or agrees to have her on does so with the explicit hope that she’ll lie on air and they can gain clicks by calling her out on it.

She raised awareness of ... a non-existent massacre? The fact that she lies a lot? Awareness of what? And did she really have to do it three different times? It’s almost like she intended to go on lying until she got caught....

By putting her back on the air all they are doing is validating alternative facts. They should blacklist her if she lacks credibility. I believe the colloquialism is, “Don’t feed the troll.”