This video pretty much sums it up.
This video pretty much sums it up.
I never want Harper again. That dirt bag damn near destroyed this country. I am not a Harperite. That fucking asshole.
He is awesome. People (who switched their vote from NDP) are up in arms over the fact that he backed out of a promise to reform our electoral process but I think his reasoning on that was pretty valid. And plus, when he legalizes weed, he’ll returned to a beloved by all status.
I have to write a paper for my Business Communications class on Cultural Sensitivity and with Trump, it’s practically writing itself. I’m sure the protocol office is laughing/crying.
It further proves one can’t buy class.
Trudeau is a refreshing change from our previous Prime Minister Harper in many, many ways, but he is a politician, first and foremost. What that means is that regardless of his personal or stated positions on anything, he has to make concessions to certain political realities.
He is a pretty awesome human being.
Better than the last guy. Still breaking promises like most average politicians, but in this world, having an average lying politician in power is ideal.
He is more awesome than not, despite some of his blunders lately.
Everything was great until he started going back on promises. There are currently some protests over his broken promise regarding electoral reform. He’s not perfect by any means.
He is okay. He could do better.
He seems like a good person. He does a good job representing Canada on the world stage and doesn’t embarrass us for the most part. I’ll leave it at that.
He’s ok. There’s sort of an element of not too bright son who inherited the family business to him though(Praise for Castro, for instance).
To be fair, we all wish that
I think it’s safe to say that my country is a little perturbed at the moment with Trudeau because he seems to be backsliding on some of the “promises” he made when elected. However, he is still immensely popular, has a very decent outlook and yes, I still have faith that he will work towards doing the right things.
He aight.
I’m Canadian (Montreal). From my perspective, he’s more centre than left. I think he’s good, but he could be better.
He definitely moved a notch up in my book with this move...
Can any Canadians here confirm or deny that Trudeau is awesome. He seems pretty awesome