
You’re right that probably more was going on but I also respect her right to lie to the public to protect her personal health information and her dignity. It’s really no one’s business. Maybe it’s just because I have a personal connection to mental illness (clinically depressed) but something about covering

Try watching the show?

The appeal of sister relationships are, IMO, why the Kardashians are so popular.

Ever the optimist I see.

Oh, we know what you’re doing. We’re scared of what you’re doing. We’d like you to stop doing that thing you’re doing and bring someone like the nice smart gentleman that left the White House last week instead of this loudmouthed lying would-be-dictator you currently have.

DD/MM/YYYY isn’t even a British thing! It’s an every single country except for America (and Liberia?) thing!

“This is our first visit. So. Great honor,” he said, as he read an opening statement closely from a piece of paper, appearing to hold a finger on the page.

Trump responded only partially, saying that “I don’t necessarily agree” that torture doesn’t work

“the daughter of a vicar”

She doesn’t really have that luxury, unfortunately. She can see as well as the rest of us how thin-skinned and petty he is, and she wants to stay on his good side. She’s worried about Putin, and I’m sure the last thing she wants to do is piss Trump off and drive him further into Putin’s orbit.

...and takes a great deal of pride in it.

We are now the country that knows that it doesn’t know what it’s doing

It’s medical, the public really doesn’t need to know/be told this stuff. Hope Barton is okay and this info was released at her direction, not a HIPAA violation.

If another star was hospitalized with a medical condition, he would probably report on it. Mental illness is a medical condition. Treating it with kid gloves is the exact stigmatization you’re complaining about.

Just because she hasn’t been in anything (that I know of but I didn’t look at imdb) doesn’t mean she hasn’t been going to auditions etc.

It’s nothing to be ashamed of and it’s nothing to be hidden. Sometimes people have breakdowns.

I feel for Mischa Barton for some reason. I feel like she got a ton of fame very quickly while on the O.C. and then it all sort of disappeared and she couldn’t really get parts playing any other characters. She seems to be actually trying to work through her issues and takes parts in bad movies (I saw her in a small

I think it’s great when celebs are open to discussing their mental health issues since there’s such stigma and lack of care available to so many, but while they’re still in treatment makes me feel squicky.

When in the hell are we going to get Trump on a 5150 already?

I have a somewhat irrational dislike for Lea Michele...