
Humans are the worst. What the hell is the matter with people?

Another sad tale from the book of: Animals do not exist for our entertainment. Not this. Not horse racing. Not dog racing. Not circuses. Not Sea World. Not that island in the Bahamas with the pigs that they let suffer there for tourism. None of it.

Poor sweet thing. Human beings are so cruel.

This is the saddest story.

This is fucking hideous.

This was how I felt about it. We watched it as a family around the time my brother came out. He was away at school and I genuinely have fond memories of watching it with my parents and I believe it helped us all realize there was nothing “wrong with it” (as Seinfeld would say) — also they weren’t all “flaming queens.”

Most uplifting thing I’ve read in a week.

Stop trying to recreate something.

Not sure how I feel about this.

The moment a child grabs a knife to stab a stranger for nothing and feels no remorse in doing so and yet worries about some jewelry lost in the process stops being a child she is a fucking psycho and should be in jailed forever.

Moen is 18 not 9. She’s not a kid. Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.

This, to me, is one of those rare cases that warrants the death penalty. By her own words, this is not a human being, but a cruel robot with no empathy or remorse. She deserves the same compassion she had for her victim, which is none. Sorry/not sorry.

Spencer did nazi that coming....

Unprofessional and damage to institutions is 100% who just got sworn in today, so your high horse is actually one of those tiny midget horses. With tiny hooves. And an orangish wispy mane.

Comparing crowds on property that is managed by the NPS is NOT a “shitpost”. Trumplethinskin strikes again.

also depends on what you consider this example, it would appear to include “factual information.”

Show us the damage to the National Park Service.

So you believe in censorship?

depends on who you consider a “reasonable person”. Is it, by any chance, only people who agree with you?