
I was like 14 during it and I took such delight in pretending I didn’t get it and asking for clarification just to watch adults squirm. “So he lied but about what?” “What was on her dress?” Watching my dad try and classify what happened without talking about blow jobs to his 14 yo daughter was so much fun. He settled

I am in my early fifties and to compare l’affaire Lewinsky to OJ and Versace is pretty damn fucking offensive. One think Hillary Clinton was always right about was “the vast right wing conspiracy.” Yes, technically, a crime was committed. Let’s prosecute every dude who got some strange while we’re at it, starting with

And the hits just keep on coming. I feel for her. She was so young and naive.

Slightly off topic but it always upset me how Monica Lewinsky was made to pay as great of a price as she has for her “crime”. Serial killers have been given more respect and dignity than she has. She was young, dumb and dazzled by a man. Probably believed every word he told her too. So called friends and confidants

A lot of dumb people go on this site

The crime was perjury and obstruction of justice on the part of Bill Clinton for lying about the affair. Had he told the truth, they couldn’t have done anything to him.


The recent true crime trend started off well enough with series that might actually result in justice being done, then it degenerated into retreads of crimes that will likely never be solved and only cause more pain to those involved when they’re brought up.

I can hold enough conflicting ideas in my head at once to think that both you and Jane have good points to make. There is something vital to our democracy to celebrate the fact that we have little revolutions here every four or eight years, with no tanks or blood in the streets, and power passes coolly and calmly from

“Resist now, or regret it later.”

Seriously I’m so sick of people ignoring and suppressing discussion of all the horrid unending controversies because talking about the room being on fire is somehow divisive.

Gots to agree, Livia. Cheeto Hitler is not a normal candidate, he is not a normal President-elect, he is an active danger to the republic, our shared values as a people, and to our national sovereignty. Selling out our government to Vladimir Putin, and arranging his campaign and his office-holding for personal

Since Jane who very much is an ignorant slut dismissed my comment, I’ll repost it here:

He’s president. I hate it, you hate it. But at the end of the day, the inauguration isn’t about him, it’s about our Democratic ideals and our belief in the peaceful transition of power, even when it goes to people we disagree with or despise. So I stand with Barack Obama, Hillary and Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, and,

Don’t be silly.

Trump children don’t play on playgrounds, they compete in the stock market in their spare time, and he with the most winnings gains a few moments to chat about business prospects and a small business start-up loan from the patriarch as a prize.

Bleak for Trump and supporters. But absolutely DELICIOUS for the rest of us!

Could you describe the idea you were going for by posting that video? There is no fucking WAY my finger’s anywhere near that play button.

You know, they might as well see if the Ringling Brothers’ circus is able to preform. It’s gonna die soon, anyway, and represents an America that had its hey-day in the mid 20th century.

Leonie is a strong, independent zebra shark that don’t need no man.