
Just because it hasn’t been said that she was raped doesn’t mean that she wasn’t completely traumatized. No one deserves this. People need to have some compassion. If this happened to a fried of yours you’d be furious but because someone who is a little vapid has it happen suddenly she deserves it? No. I hope she gets

I hate to say this, but when you are talking with someone who finds “oh well! :)” appropriate for a discussion of how lucky someone is to be the victim of a violent crime that did not end in murder, ya gotta just walk away.

Yeah, we’re going to have to agree to disagree.

Thank you. It was several years ago and, while I’ve certainly had some lasting effects, I haven’t let what happened define me.

Wow, that is incredible. You are very brave, hope all is well with you. Here is a <3 from me :)

And you’re talking to someone who was woken up in the middle of the night by someone holding a knife to my throat. The rapist stayed for 3 hours. There was no luck involved in my not being injured or killed (and incidentally my 7 year old son as well). It was my skill in talking him out of my house, and his

Her story hasn’t changed all that much, actually. People’s brains after a traumatic experience like this are notoriously prone to errors, and some details may only properly retrieved after we have calmed down. Some of them never recover. She’s been pretty Damn consistent with the overarching details of what happened

Seriously what planet am I on? Do better y’all.

I kinda think you’re not thinking through your comment very much. In that scenario luck has nothing to do with her survival.

Thank you. So fucking petty

I know! My eyes almost popped out of my head when I read them. Worried about her freaking lipstick.

Are these first few comments for real? In a story about a woman who was robbed and bound, wearing nothing but her robe, the comments focus on her looks, makeup and face? Huh? Did we all read the same article or did yall just skip it and share your thoughts on her face?

I hardly would say she was “lucky” in this situation. Yes, it could have been worse, but lucky she was not.

I can process a lot of human depravity, but that made me gasp out loud. 30 fucking pounds and 12 years old.

i had a baby that was stillborn. a relative said “arent you happy she is with jesus now?” nevermind that im not religious. who the fuck thinks thats what a grieving mother wants to hear?

I work in sexual violence in the state. In all likelihood, they told her they didn’t believe her or made her feel it was her fault and told her not to make trouble. Children in these kinds of situations, as well as bullying situations, generally kill themselves after the adults in their life fail to protect them.

The video ... ends with the girl hanging from the tree for around 20 minutes as the sun sets, while a woman off-camera can be heard calling her name.

I kind of wish I were.

And not all creative ideas are good ideas. As evident, again, by the responses.

Let apply your logic elsewhere...