
Fuck you, dude. She’s a human being. You can have a weirdly aggressive hatred for her show or her lifestyle, but absolutely nobody deserves what happened to her.

Yeah, it’s fucked up. She’s still a human being. Nobody should have to deal with this kind of fear.

A friend of mine was gagged and tied up during a robbery. Oh, and let’s not forget about the gun pressed against his head. I can’t even with everyone who thinks this is funny/serves her right/etc.

That’s pretty freaking awful for KK.

Yes. I cannot stand her or her family, but I don’t wish them any harm. I’d even say I want them to be happy.

This is exactly how I feel right now. There’s nothing funny about this.

Exactly. I’m not a fan but I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. It’s horrible what happened to her. What is wrong with people?

If you have had to literally beg for your life, your life will never be the same, I expect.

My best friend was robbed at gunpoint once while heading into a club, and she ended up having to go to counseling. Kim’s experience was the same thing but on steroids seeing as how her room was broken into and they actually tied her up and forced her into a bathtub. I can’t imagine how that’s going to affect her. I

After reading the comments all I have to say is that people who think this is funny disgust me. It is irrelevant if the person is a reality tv star, it is irrelevant how much her ring is worth. Being bound, gaged, and at the complete mercy of your attackers is not an experience anyone should have to go through. So she

she is a mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend, and also famous. She means a lot to people and despite what people say about her, the idea that her fame excuses her from sympathy is disgusting.

So these guy were really keeping up with the Kardashians after all.

I would not scream if someone pointed a gun at me in my own hotel room. Most likely. Actually, I don’t know what I’d do. But I think there’s a chance I would not scream.

Delete your account.

Kim: I can’t even imagine the blathering mess I would be after being robbed like that. It’s a relief they didn’t physically harm her but, damn, the emotional/mental scars have to be something.

Nope, it’s still a asshole comment. Just because they make a TV show doesn’t mean they are lying when they say they are robbed.

I’m seeing an awful lot of people online this morning on various news sites commenting on the Kim story saying “they should have killed her.” or “too bad she survived, because she’s a whore.”

What an asshole comment.

If you just wanted jewelry, wouldn’t it be easier to rob her when she is not in the room and most of her security team is out with her? This sounds like they specifically wanted to catch her alone, to threaten or harm her.

Man, I can’t believe what happened to KK. Nobody deserves that. I bet Kanye is doing a good job of comforting her though. Love that they endorsed Hillary over the weekend. Smart people.