
“Technique” lol

Demographic changes won’t make any difference in the way cops interact with the public. There needs to be a top down change in our entire conception of what it means to be a police officer. Compassion and guidance first, force as an absolute last resort.

OH FFS. Of course they didn’t try to contact mental health professionals. If they’d done that they wouldn’t have been able to have th3ir sick ass “fun” with the guy, and be hailed as the next poster of among the part of Trump’s base thay is for Trump’s idea of “LAW&ORDER” where racism runs rampant. I bet there is

Only wear them to really loud places!

It’s ok that she canceled, we’ll always have that special night with Coulter that will sustain us.

Ann Coulter doesn’t have the stamina to be a professional troll. Have you seen her lately? Something’s really wrong with her, a lot of people are saying. Had to cancel an event. Sad!

I had a roommate who would shit on the floor. He went on to become a racist, MRA, conservative columnist.

drugs dude, drugs.

in all seriousness emma thompson is the one person i would allow to slap me in the face

The cross campus bus had a stop outside my dorm down a small grassy hill that would stop there if people were waiting. One day my freshman year I was late for class (shocker) and was running to meet a bus that was just about to pass that stop.

I’m thankful that I don’t know what a subtweet is.

I’m so ridiculously thankful to have attended college before social media existed.

Every person who is susceptible to the flu is a stepping stone the virus can use to reach the elderly and sick.