The problem stems from E-sports not being a traditional sport, where by you play with a large group face to face and are taught good sportsmanship by your coach at a young age.
The problem stems from E-sports not being a traditional sport, where by you play with a large group face to face and are taught good sportsmanship by your coach at a young age.
I keep trying Battle Royale out but I don’t see the appeal to this gametype. There’s an amazingly low amount of gunfight surrounded by minutes and minutes of wandering around trying to loot and find others. Then within a couple seconds you’re dead and you go to lobby to start a new game. Even if you do manage to get…
For me it was the exact opposite - Started a bit slow, but after a few hours of gameplay I just got hooked, and now after ~90 hours and 100% completion of the game I still can’t get enough of the immersion and amazing locales in the game, so I go in and play from time to time just to do random daily missions and enjoy…
Nah it was a real bird, not the “have a cluckity cluck-cluck day!” guy/hallucination.
Thank you for your in-depth take of a show you didn’t actually watch.
I hear that song now every time I work out, make breakfast, and get vaccinations.
Absolute same, I remember a lot about watching the show and talking to my friends but I remember just as much about running onto Lostpedia (the Lost Wiki, natch) to watch it be dissected in real time that night and the next day. I wouldn’t have caught near as much symbolism or as many recurring references without it…
One of the plot holes you mentioned has an answer, at least for me.
The finale, like The Last Jedi, was good.
I love this show so much, warts and all. It was one of the first shows that I watched while the internet realized they could dissect ongoing media in online forums. It was great to watch and great to dissect. It was the first truly “modern,” show, in the way that it pretty much informed how lots of folks watch shows…
One might even say his omission was appalling.
Your take on the weightlifting question is 100% correct. There is nothing that hardcore fitness people love more than telling you how wrong you’re doing literally everything in the gym. Put your workout pants on one leg at a time? BULLSHIT, you should sit on the bench and put both legs in at the same time in order to…
We’ll Never Colonize Space
Stuntman was one of my favorites on the PS2. While I didn’t care for its sequel much, the original was a hell of a lot of fun.
man I devoured AC Origins very fast and loved everything about it. Its flat out my favorite AC game ever.
Didn’t do anything special? What the fuck are you smoking?
No wins at all for Horizon Zero Dawn is messed up.
So...I think I liked what I saw. But what the fuck did I just see?