Or a fact that they were developed for a console designed in 2004
Or a fact that they were developed for a console designed in 2004
Nah, going by the comments on every Destiny article, people were expecting both of those things.
Player input? Reddit’s been non-stop shit posts for the past two weeks; half of it is people that don’t read TWAB and never watched the TwitchCon panel, and act like Bungie haven’t communicated a single thing to the community. They run with stuff like #TWOTOKENSANDABLUE and still ask for shit like random rolls when…
designed to lure kids into spending money
Also sad, but true. It is still very much a White Boys Club (tm). All of the women I have had the fortune of getting to know at Pixar are amazing, hard working, and talented. I truly wish there was more of them at the company.
Why...isn’t it? They’re a celebrity power couple and her whole brand is that she’s a super chill lifestyle icon, who cooks easy, great food and is open about not being a perfect mom. They are nice and funny, and I for one, am delighted to hear this happy news in a shitstorm of ugly.
Can we all agree on Ratvocado?
I’m sure you’re a riot at parties.
What? So because some percentage of people will behave badly a major video game news site shouldn’t report on two games that have had terrible launches?
I hope they don’t waffle on their decision.
I could tell you just one reason this game could have not had backlash.
Depends on the quality. Titanfall 2's campaign was about 5 hours but every second was excellent. This, however, sounds like Dice’s typically disjointed, incoherent offerings.
“We forgot that we can sell much of our pre-owned stock of games between now and the holiday shopping season. So we’ll resume the program once we have more money and fewer used games to rent.”
One cannot start what has already begun
may I pre-order my down vote?
Thoughts and prayers.