Phish has writers, they just openly admit it.
I have to pop my knees, wrists, elbows, shoulders and ankles constantly or they hurt.
Is the best way to tell my senator, rep or both via phone?
Put rich people in camps.
The fact that youre not wearing keens year round means you dont know what youre talking about. Those boots pictured arent even close to boots, thats what someone paying 6 grand in rent in down town san fran thinks are boots
The fact that youre not wearing keens year round means you dont know what youre talking about. Those boots pictured…
Subject: Misdirect
A little alt curious?
After watching this thing i am no longer sure if i am on acid or sober.
These people, bot scalpers or patent trolls. Who ya got in the shitty human rankings? I put scalpers first, but thats the phish phan in me.
I didnt know a thousand years of isolation resulted in shitty white blood cells.
Dont waste your money, this shit broke immediately and they wouldn’t give me my money back
Dont waste your money, this shit broke immediately and they wouldn’t give me my money back
These drunken massholes all took the day off!
Super cute when this administration pushes attacks in Munich and the Sudan when those “bad hombres” can just walk there. THE ATLANTIC OCEAN IS A LOGISTICAL PROBLEM FOR THESE PEOPLE.
Tied with the ‘04 yankees and the ‘08 french 4x100 mens freestyle relay in Beijing, so thats something. Warriors? I am a mariners fan, the 2001 meltdown was bad. There will be a list soon on 538
I mean, when you can get to brady with 4 for 60 minutes...
Go fuck myself? *Jerks off to the Superbowl highlights* drew, shoulda thought that through more!
Hahaha im so happy barry is sad right now
No love for the mystic aquarium?