That loaf cake thing looks like a nightmare.
That loaf cake thing looks like a nightmare.
What menu is most ridiculous in the videogame world? *Friday musing* surely there must be something resembling an excel spreadsheet
Two part plan to save the land in five years. Stop making flu vaccines. Theres too many of us, we need fewer of us, the boomers suck, its pretty win win. Act two is the big one...internment camps for million and billionaires. 5 year stay, take everything they own, invest it in scientific research and development,…
He literally just did that with final fantasy, including walking around square yelling at developers for making it take too long to have fun....but....YEAH FUCKIN LIBTARD CUCK CELEBS LEMME TELL YOU SOMETHING ABOUT THE GOOD OLD DAYS
Anyone else think these two wont make it so far between the stress of worrying what one of the gay moose lams might do...all day...every day, in addition to eating McDonald’s at a michael phelps-like rate?
Time to start playing by a different set of rules like these fuckfaces. Seriously, anyone else here willing to be diabolical as hell for the good of the planet?
How long until mitch mcconnell fucking dies?
Why did they interview people whose kids arent even in school anymore? You know, the people that need to hurry up and die so their votes and medicare bills dont bankrupt us?
More porn should use that font. Classic.
Forewarning: huge pats fan. Brady has a brain the size of a peanut, and his agent told him to put that in there so he could sell copper jammies to carhartt emblazoned jagoffs, many of whom are openly racist (visit northern maine some time, that governor is maine as fuuuuuck).
You know tom brady is a professional troll, trolling us all into oblivion, right? His market is carhartt emblazoned new england redneck (a very real thing) jagoffs buying anything with tb12 on it. His agent told him to do some cross marketing, barry, this really isnt your battle.
Duke and this grayson idiot deserve each other
The celtics claim to be out of the horse race, but i have confidence theyll just find some picks left over on the floor
That update is worthy of an article in itself. You gotta mention that the epa is pretty ineffective now because ronnie reagan gutted their funding. Anytime an exec bitches about the epa its like a classic cartoon mailmain whining about toothless dogs. “Goddamn these toothless dogs are so easily pushed aside, grrr if…
So at 25,000 we normals pick up the pitchforks and torches, agreed?
Where my replacements fans at
As long as i have enough time to pour a whiskey and put on vinyl echoes by floyd...
I had to pull up a countrywide commerical and could not stop laughing. “Hi, im a former and future Barbara Streisand impersonator, and i got these terrible people hilariously lopsided mortgages!”
The funk you mean getting a mortgage from an app is a bad idea?
The funk you mean getting a mortgage from an app is a bad idea?