
the only reason i don’t commute in my brz every day is to try to keep it nice for the long term.

ev’s simply don’t excite me. none meet my needs or desires. but none also meet my very first rule of any vehicle purchase with the shift to the current tablet-taped-to-the-dash trend.

Let me get this straight. With the way the article is written, the only way he could accomplish this project was to go to college and get a piece of paper?

i know it’s not as sexy as STEM, but how about the trades? someone’s still gotta keep things working.

and how often has taken repeated written tests in your job field made you perform your job better?

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casey ladelle talks about the problems with insurance/AAA in this video:

keep it, and keep it mostly stock. despite the entire automotive world telling me that it NEEDS more power, i’ll get beat at lights by riding lawn mowers. it NEEDS wheels, the stock look terrible. it NEEDS an exhaust, apparently it’s a prerequisite to have a cat bypass and pop-tune to be obnoxious pricks to everyone

the front seating area is a pretty terrible use of space as well.

i gotta ask. what’s the point of obscuring the i in “shit”?

i also don’t believe that the bosses will allow us to just sit back and relax though.

millennial here. the 1990's called. they want that opinion back.

i’m a platform cage kinda guy.

yep, i tried clips for a little while, and quickly realized that i don’t ride aggressively enough to gain any advantage from them, or repeatedly enough to get used to the slightly different dismount procedure.

Less and less of a reason to keep a license plate on the vehicle...  The fine for a lack of plate balances it out.

My favorite one?

to be fair, that’s what most drivers do anyways.

if it was $500, i’d definitely go look at it. if it drives like it can be reliable transportation for the next year, i’d buy it.

lol. i’m 6'. i love my tacoma. just as comfy as my previous extended cab ranger.

yeah, i’m not convinced that ‘just slow down’ is such an end-all-be-all solution they make it out to be. i mean, single-car accidents where someone runs through a guardrail and down an embankment, i agree speed is an issue. but i believe we improperly attribute speed to more common accidents as well where there are

We've also got a saying "no man left behind", so we'll take everyone else with us!