The "Blue light of Death" isn't the only issue the PS4 has either, I was just comparing what appears to be the most prominent issues from each console.
The PS4 I have, in my room, right this second, cannot perform a single function for me. A XBO, if I had one, could.
When it comes to a broken, dysfunctional product, one star is good enough. I never said that the links were the best comparison eva, I just found it odd how massive the gap is. Especially since trolls are much more likely to attack the XBO instead of the PS4.
I wouldn't assume that grinding noise is the drive grinding the disk, unless there was a video that shows us a scratched disk afterwards. None of them do.
I supplied two relatively equal links, that's just one.
Now, now, that term's reserved for consoles that figuratively turn into "bricks". Either they don't work when turned on, or don't even turn on at all. Nothing more. Like my PS4.
The console itself works, you can still play games on it and use it'es features, the disk drive is just faulty.
The console itself works, you can still play games on it and use it'es features, the disk drive is just faulty.
Inspiration comes in all shapes and sizes.
Why the hell do I need to resort to Battlestations Pacific to get my naval fix? Even now, the only naval game I see with any worth might be World of Warships, but it hasn't launched yet.
More me? No. Because it still blocks every ad I used to see. Until it stops blocking ads for me, I will keep using it.
I'm okay with Plus at the moment, though I'll move on if it becomes an issue.
It was listed as a PS3 game at some point via EA's site, but it's been changed since I last checked, so I'd say that was an error. Just three platforms for now.
Any YouTube video will suffice, it's player caps out around 30. This, combined with their compression, is largely what's causing more and more sites to build or update their own video players. Why show off multiplayer gameplay from Killzone when you're using a video player that compromises so much quality?
You'd lose that bet.
You'd lose that bet.
Sadly, it's bundled with a bunch of stuff you may not want or need.