
No, education deals with facts and records that have been known for years, entertainment's sole purpose is to entertain. That's not to say that there aren't unquestionably bad games, but entertainment is very, very much subjective.

If you're not accidentally implying that Knack's a shooter, then I want my star back.

A grading scale that uses words or letters instead of numbers is no better than a numerical scale. Scales will forever be scales, no matter how much you dress them up.

Sadly, ads are squeaking pas that thing more and more. Especially the expanding banner, but even with AdBlock that crap is beyond annoying. It's like pop-up ads, just something that looks and feels like it should be dead in 2013.

Me forgot, It's been a while since I commented heavily and until recently I was "away".

It's better than any other system that comes with a reviewer's opinion.

I knew it wouldn't take long for the obnoxious replies to join this thread, but that was quick.

"game"? Well, you might be able to use the PS4 to record each session individually, assuming you don't go past fifteen minutes, so there's that.

No, but people with guns dos.

But, you do have a gun.

The human eye can barely tell the difference between 30fps and 60fps

Who knows when it'll be? Maybe soon, I mean, demand for these consoles are high, and people want something new. While it's not essential, the Wii U could really use good third-party support, but not in the form of ports. Why would anyone buy game X on a Wii U when it's better on the XBO or PS4? Hell, even the the 360

You know, I look at my bricked PS4, and I seriously considered returning it and beefing up my PC. Thankfully Sony's being quick with replacements.

Right, third-party support was an absolute must back then, even if RE4 looked like crap on the PS2. Now though... technology is advancing so fast, you kind of need that power.

I use my monitor if I'm playing PC games with K&M, but if I decide to use a controlle I hook my PC up to my TV. So no console games on my monitor, but I'd say the difference you're seeing comes from the fact that people usually play closer to the screen when using a monitor, compared to their TV.

Every game in the world doesn't have to be demanding while also looking amazing. All I'm saying is that the gap in power will cause it major problems once developers unhitch themselves from the PS3 and 360.

Call of Duty isn't a good comparison. It just isn't, if you want to see a current game that absolutely pushes the last consoles while also offering a noticeably improved version on new consoles, then you'll want to look towards Battlefield 4.

What? Do you think I was being picky? Or being a smartass? Sorry, should I have added a smiley at the end of my reply to set the tone? I wasn't snapping at him.

Are you saying Nintendo's the only one who makes good games now? Because that's a silly thing to say.

Agreed, I would've gone with pumas honestly, but neither one of those can actually crunch numbers like a dedicated CPU can.