
First part was good, you lost it at the second part. I'll still give you a star though.

Good news! Congrats on having fun, which is what these things are made for. If you can accept each game's genre, just about every single Nintendo game is fun. I'd even say Fire Emblem and Advance Wars are the best TBS games ever.

Well, it's a fact that the Wii U is "worse" than the other consoles. I don't think a game like Planetside 2 would work on the Wii U, a true-to-definition MMOFPS. The Wii U is getting the third-party support now only because developers are still supporting the PS3 and 360, two consoles that the Wii U is more comparable

Read his comment, and then read my reply. Go ahead and take your time if you need to. Go over them a few times. It's alright.

Sure, and I get that. Okami is my favorite game, but lets not try and act like this somehow puts the Wii U in the same league as the other consoles, at least technically.

Why do you guys insist on trying to make the Wii U seem (technically) equal to or better than the PS4 and XBO? We get it, Nintendo games look and play great, but they aren't as demanding as the other games coming out.

Right, you might not notice the difference because console games tend to be limited around 720p. Regardless of whether you're playing or watching a game, that resolution will be the same, and there will be that gap in clarity. Depending on your display, up-scaling could have a decent impact on this however.

Maybe? It's a possibility, surely.

Do you almost exclusively play on consoles? Because the difference is there, and it's very much noticeable. I use a 22" 1080p monitor. A lot of people say they can't see the difference between 30 frames and 60 frames too, and that's usually because they play little to no PC games.

We're talking about recorded gameplay, five minutes of gameplay stuff, not streaming via Twitch... forget it.

Are you kidding me? If you want to create a popular PC gaming channel, then you better upload 1080p video. People want quality videos, the only reason people didn't complain about 720p console gameplay was because that was the limit. Unless you really wanted to put in the extra effort to upscale every video you do.

I'm not saying that this will be disappointing to everyone who wants to share a clip or two, but it is disappointing considering that these are standards from last-gen. Though the frame rate doesn't really matter as much, seeing as YouTube caps out at about 30.

What is a fraction of a million people try using it all at once? I don't mean to assuming it'll go down for weeks, just that there'll be a bit of a bump when their console launches.

1080p, or in some cases 900p, will be the current-gen standard. This is like saying you'll use a 480p recording of GTA V for something.

That's... odd. When was that revealed?

Shadowplay has a max set amount of time, and it's leagues ahead of what consoles can do. Note that we're talking about recording the last X amount of minutes continuously, with no input from the player.

XBO captures video in 720p and at 30fps. Kind of expected this whole "record and stream gameplay" thing to be too good to be true. What's odd is that Shadowplay works wonders at capturing 1080p gameplay without a hit on performance, even with entry-level Kepler GPUs.

Wouldn't video you want to work with something better? Keep in mind that recorded gameplay will be limited to 720p and 30fps.

I'm answering his question...