Their SkyDrive service is going to take a beating...
Their SkyDrive service is going to take a beating...
The PS4 records your last fifteen minutes, the XBO records your last five minutes.
I want to say that the .4% estimate Sony gave people is bullshit, but a lot of people I know also bought one and those are doing fine. Good thing Infamous isn't coming out until 2014.
Still don't post much, and a little annoyed that Amazon sent me a broken PS4. So... yeah, just frustrated, and partially at myself, because I knew buying a console at launch was risky.
Digital Extremes wanted patches every week to keep the PS4 version of Warframe connected to the PC version, and Sony allowed it. I think something like that was allowed with War Thunder too, and Sony hasn't charged indies for patching there games for quite a while.
It would. Or that's what I'd assume, unless someone can actually point out a difference other than it looking clearer, seeing as clarity is what you gain with a boost in resolution. Effects seem the same, as do colors and textures... again, I'm not Digital Foundry, so I can't pick out the very tiny differences.
Crashes for me whenever it feels like it. Console players don't deal with the same stuff PC players do though.
That, or it could be that the game launched in a very poor state, which is still the case.
But that's not true, it looks clear because of the resolution. No matter how low you change the resolution of the YouTube video, it doesn't change the fact that each capture of gameplay is different. That gap will stay there, and while you can mask it a little via the streaming resolution, it'll remain noticeable. The…
The PS4 gameplay is being captured at 1080p, the PS3 gameplay is 720p. The resolution being changed via YouTube doesn't change this, so there's still a difference, but it's not because both captures are suddenly changed to 720p.
Good luck getting a PC that can run games well enough in 4k. Maybe a after a few years? Dunno.
I'm not following your logic... 720p will always look blurrier than 1080p, and that's due to the to resolutions being different, making them something that does matter.
How about a gif that points out third-party games that either aren't supported on the Wii U or are on the Wii U, just with less features?
Got mine. Checked the HDMI port for a metal piece sticking up and saw nothing, so I plugging a cord in... and it doesn't go all the way in. Still can't see a bent metal pin.
Huh, a rack that only grows if you need it to visualize another girl's rack. She's a damn pro at managing depression.
He's not promising a stream of first-party games, just games.
IT makes perfect sense. They aren't promising us so many AAA first-party games, they're promising us games. He specifically mentions indie titles, actually.