
Every single building is solid, immovable, and indestructible in that game, yet it's the only object that behaves that way. Not following your logic here.

The bars on the swing set was never supposed to have physics like it did. It was supposed to be a solid, immovable and indestructible object. They didn't have to tone anything down, just replace things.

"You people"?

Eh... a lot of it links to Safari, and while you can see your friends and send them messages, I have yet to receive messages sent to me. Seems half-baked, maybe it'll be better with the PS4.

Read further. :P

BF4 can have some pretty damn heavily drops though, as low as 40ish. Even lower during the campaign. It's also not rendering at 1080p. Not only was CoD the only console FPS that stuck around 60 frames, but it also had fantastic controller response times.

Oh I believe it, it takes a lot to bring down TB's system.

What, and trust the words of some person on the internet, or my untrained eyes?

What, and trust the words of some person on the internet, or my untrained eyes? No, I'm aware of the power that graphic design holds.

Well, it seems like it's harder to screw up on consoles compared to the PC. I'd chalk this up to them aiming for the highest resolution possible on the PS4, which from the looks of it wasn't the greatest idea, and the issues with the PC build... yeah, IW just screwed the pooch on that one.

In-engine character models aren't the same as in-game ones. Kinda like cutscenes.

To be fair, Helghan's fleet of ships meant to colonize Vekta(?) did come out of nowhere... after another company's fleet went missing.

So, I played the second and third game, and I came away with a "meh" feeling. This though? I like the Cold War and WWII, and this barrier in this game seems like a "Berlin Wall" of sorts. When you combine this with the series great lore, it's easy to get excited...

I think this is cool, but I will also say I do not care for it and people who call it out as being something worthless aren't all fanboys.

Having it on the screen is the distraction. If I really needed that stuff I could pause the game for 5 seconds and look it up on the phone.

You know, for some reason this makes me angry. Very, very, very much so. I realize that burner accounts are a thing, that Kotaku is very popular, but I see so many smart people here... I like having hope in all of them.

You're kinda a horrible person.

Visual flare really doesn't have any importance when it comes to game mechanics though.

I'll agree that Killzone titters on "generic", though the multiplayer does provide at least some wrinkles on uniqueness. Played a lot of Killzone 2, and only stopped playing Killzone 3 because of it's god-awful load times between matches.

That's the cost of an outdated cutting board.