Soul Rebel Scum

Alternately, this article reads as a great breakdown of why batteries suck, and why we need to invest in figuring out better ways of making electricity on board in stead of storing it there. I know hydrogen is a joke to a lot of people for valid reasons, but batteries just suck, and as long as they do, electric cars

I see the point you are making, but I believe you have confounded the semantic and the philosophical. Etymology alone does not govern definition, meaning or idea.

Define “Define equality for me.” for me.

That other person was in number 5, you were in 3, it’s visible on the wings in the shots.

Justice stems from and is tantamount to equality. Equality, by definition, is not relative.

How do you fight these guys?? Zey believe in nahssing!

As suspected, the silhouettes are all those of dudes. The lack of a female player character in GTA5 was a huge missed opportunity and if this image is any indication (which it may not be, of course) Rockstar has not learned a lesson.

Hey Tavarish, just buy the AMG already... I’m glad you’re taking care of your daily driven non-AMG and all, we all are, but at this point, you and an AMG need to get a room.

I bought my first bmw this spring and I swear that thing just don’t park straight. I don’t know what it is...

I want to be a “youtube supercar goofball”... or really any type of supercar goofball. Right now I’m really only crushing the goofball part... Must have missed that booth at the ol’ job fair, there.

Our favorite tactic so far has been to do a 2-1 split. Since 80% of this map is basically a grid of closed passages, (barring the outside pavilion thingie) there’s always an easy flank to find. 2 players engage in a zero-sum distraction firefight, (usually on the ramp leading to the cafe) then 1 player loops around

My ear is hearing bits of her Dirty Projectors fan-dom in that first track. Her version of Stillness Is The Move is a sublime little cultural intersection btw.

what the flying mother fuck is that

Curb rash on that left front? For shame, Jalops, for shame.

Inside, like limbo before it, is a straight-up masterpiece. I really love the filial trajectory of the two games, too. I can only imagine where Playdead will go next, but wherever it is, they already have my money.

Hasn’t it been known rumor (if that’s a thing) that in any instanced area, (Patrols, Court of oryx etc, entering them slowly gives the game more time to match you with other players and thus leads to more full instances? The crouching just slows your movement speed.

I’m not expert, but I think that the single clutch smg doesn’t ‘hold’ any gears, just the same as a full manual is just in whatever gear you are in. Again, I could be wrong, but that was my understanding, since the SMG is, after all, the same gearbox with some extra mechanicals bolted on. In any case, I actually did

I think you nailed it with the Kia look. Audi, Acura not so much.

Whew! good thing this car is only coming in 4 door and DSG, otherwise I’d have to re-arrange my life.

Interesting... my car does a great rev-matched blip on downshift, its intoxicating. If I’m heavy on the brakes and at lower speeds on downshift, it will actually incur engine braking, which feels pretty much exactly like a manual downshift. I *think* a previous owner may have installed a CSL tune (or other