
Again, intra rankings make little sense to anyone who doesn’t know anything about the series. No one wants to see a show ranked “A”, only to watch it and find out it was a reference to the best show of an otherwise horrible series, that would get a “D” of less if compared to a quality show.

You’re comparing apples and oranges. I guess you took what I said too literally. You compare like to like, not internally. Therefore you compare Rick & Morty to all other adult themed animation comedy being made. You compare Mad Men to other drama’s, Big Bang to other sit coms, etc...

The actual words by Rick were “I’m not kneeling” when Tommy asked them to bow down. That the reviewer calls that a “Happy coincidence” and “Thought” he heard Rick say he’s not taking a knee in relating it to the NFL protest, says more about the reviewer than the show.

If AVC graded shows against themselves “intra-style” rather than against a specific criteria, then that makes absolutely no sense and I’m glad they stopped doing it, and if they are still doing it, they should stop.

Beth at heart is a scientist that thinks along straight lines. Like Rick, she is a sociopath that doesn’t concern herself on how her actions affect others.

Jerry’s self awareness is just another tool he uses to self depreciate himself and thus making others feel sorry for him. Until he actually goes beyond empty words and takes direct strong action rather than being backed into it when all else fails- I’d call him the “same ol” Jerry who thinks ancient answering machines

You admit that the shows are consistently great, then question their right to each have A’s on their own merit.

Some interesting observations and revelations this episode:

Disagree. It was an A grade episode. The only thing worse than someone who gets mad at a review score like the reviewer is obligated to think like them, is someone who does it providing ZERO support/reasons for their viewpoint. You unsupported thumbs down of the show gets an “F”.

How would you denote the student who averages 92 on exams compared to the one who averages 99? Both rank as A’s, even though one is nearly perfect. Do you now downgrade the 92 average as a B+ or A- because they didn’t reach a 99 average of the top student?

I’d appreciate it if someone can explain what it takes to make a comment get approved rather then sent into the “pending” zone...

What green/yellow vials? There were blue, purple, and red vials. Check your color controls...

You’re assuming Morty’s would only vote for Morty’s- why? Clearly you could have Ricks voting for Morty and vice versa.

Probably kept bringing it up “Morty style”and never let him forget about the loss until he couldn’t stand it anymore.

Shows should NEVER be graded on a curve, but on standard criteria on what makes a good show. What you are suggesting is if you scored an 96 on one exam for an A, then the next exam you scored a 91, and the professor says that’s not your best, and gives you a B.

“I worry because I don’t know if it’s possible to keep doing this kind of thing for multiple seasons. Every episode like this one that burns through a dozen or more Purge-planet-level ideas sets off the old brain endorphins, but also makes me wonder (because that is more or less my job) how long this can last.”

In a world run amok with Family Guy and Uncle Grandpa drone humor, Rick and Morty stands as a unique gem that redefines quality American animation.

You must be from the Bizarro Universe because I ranked this episode as one of the best of the season. If this ep was that unappealing for you, you might need to move on to another show because I would LOVE to see more of this type of show building.

I agree this was one of the top episodes of the season with the variety and nuance it presented. It was firing on all levels - from cartoonish slapstick violence/humor to much deeper tangents such as the breakdown of personalities between the pairs of “toxic” and “healthy” Ricks and Morties and what it says about who

“(Edit: Okay, a few of you have pointed out that they explain this in the episode, and that Rick considers it to be one of his toxic qualities. My bad for missing that (or at least not remembering it when I was writing the review).”