
So says Gisele Bündchen.

Hoisted on his own petard!

Katherine, ageism is wrong and hopefully we will all be able to reach the age of McConnell.

He is protected by his shell. Luckily for him, he didn’t end up on his back.

Good thing he didn’t fall on his back or he would’ve never been able to get up.

“I like people who don’t fall down”.

My faith in the world is already tissue thin. I briefly thought of googling “Mimosa Capri Sun”, but I couldn’t bear if it hit.

My daughter and her best friend loved Lunchables as kids. Now 20 somethings they bought a couple to enjoy during a weekend visit. Daughter texted me - these are awful, why'd you let us eat this shit!

I have a hunchable that being seen eating a Brunchable will make you more punchable.


A couple things that this makes me think about:

Old jokes never die.

I feel like 2019 is basically MAGA chuds, a bunch of dumb Joker movies and far too many Oreo flavors. What a fucking world.

Counterpoint: This looks AMAZING! It looks like Taxi Driver but with the Joker as Travis Bickle. DeNiro and Scorsese are even involved! Joaquin Phoenix has a manic Daniel Day-Lewis vibe!

Yes. This. My idiotic friends—well into their 40s and holding good jobs with good paychecks—still haven’t figured this out. The old “Hey, we’re moving in two weeks? Can you help? We’ll have beer and pizza!” is totally awful.

I took a huge pay cut to go from office work to freelance writing, but I work at home, I live in a walkable neighborhood where I can run my errands without being crunched too badly for time and use it as a reason to get outside, and you can’t put a price (even though I essentially did, and it’s in five figures

Also, You’re a peein’.

She’s 64. And that’s despite the vices. She’s fighting aging with one arm tied behind her back- and winning. We should all look that good at that age, may 64 never happen 🍸🤞

Eric Holder was the killer? Who drove the getaway car, Arne Duncan?