
I bet you regret getting the Japanese symbol for “I can eat 50 eggs” tattooed on your left arm, huh?

this graphic is truly striking

White people are culturally ignored?

So, it’s eye for an eye?

Making jokes about white people isn’t the same as making racist jokes about black people, or Asian people, or Jews, or gay people, or any other historically oppressed minority. This is a very simple principle, but one that many aggrieved whites find difficult to accept. You can’t say, “well, imagine if you

Because actual racism is contingent on a power differential between the oppressor and the oppressed, and rooted in a fundamental belief in superiority of one race over another.

If a non-white person says something like what what Jeong said, the implicit meaning of the text is “hey, white people, can you stop being

Actually it’s quite a bit different from Gunn.

As stated in the article, it’s the difference between punching up and punching down. The context is different when these statement are made white to black than it is when they’re made black to white. One of those two groups suffered centuries of oppression up to and including bondage, dehumanization, rape, murder, and

it’s literally explained in the article 

It was explained why right after that sentence, fuckface.

If you spewed that ghetto lottery crap face to face I’d make you swallow some teeth, and I’m so white you could read by me at night. Go crawl back under your sheet.

Sure - I just didn’t think that the discussion was at all about whether the manager had a legal right to make these men leave the starbucks, I thought everyone pretty much agreed that she had that legal right (I don’t actually know the law but I have assumed she had). So I have thought that the discussion is about why

Go away, you unmitigated asshole.

Why? Is it because you need just one positive match out of 200 to feel smug and justified about the racist little pixies dancing in your head?

Does that come with realizing that people don’t give a shit about your unsubstantiated “feelings”?

I’m in my 30's, but judging by your “drinking age” comment, you associate “young” with “untrustworthy”, is that accurate?

Thanks for the reply!

I offered you an opportunity to clarify because I felt like people telling you to “fuck off” wouldn’t offer much in terms of new perspectives, but seeing as how you doubled down on your “gut”, I’m going to have to ask that you fuck off.

Not sure I understand the whole Nazi thing. The Alt-right is made up of various white supremacists, nazi-adjacent groups, and the KKK. They strongly unambiguously support Trump, and generally support Republicans. They even mock the Antifa (which means anti-fascist because the Nazis were fascist). Yet, they randomly

I think that even more powerful than cognitive dissonance is their confirmation bias. They have a steady stream of “news” from Fox, Breitbart, Infowars, et al. that to them, validates their insane notions.

Conservatives are nothing if not petty grudge-holding sore losers. They never imagined Clinton beating Bush in 1992, or Obama beating McCain in 2008. And since Right Wing Nutters have to be always correct, they have to spend the rest of eternity trying to spin a reality distortion field where, actually, Clinton/Obama

The nutters are pissed that this kid thumped the shit out of them. Instead of accepting defeat like the noble brave principled warriors they believe they are, the RWNJs are acting like the whiney wimp bullies they actually are and role playing as Mean Girls.