
Teeny weenie peenie committee?

I had to put my sweet Boston Terrier LuLu to sleep on Wednesday. My heart is broken, and I am lost. Can I please have lots and lots of sweet animal pics tonight to help me cope?

I am having a really hard time being grown right now. I am having to do something I’ve never done before because I moved to a different state: change my driver’s license and car registration over and get new car insurance. It is stressing me the hell out. Especially since I just found out my registration expired in

I finally punched through a bout of depression that has lasted, on and off, for the better part of the last three years. I’ve done a lot of hard work and fiddled with different things to help and I seem to have gotten a handle on it. Now I’m faced with how to put my life back together. I’ve really let my career fall

None of you fools recognize a good ol’ fashion Covfefe when you seen one?

Tell me something gooooooooooooooooood! Tell me that you liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike it!!!!!!

Ah, I see, so you made the statement but when I called you on it, I made the implication? That’s good stuff right there. I also note you still didn’t answer my pretty simple question. So I think we’re done here.

Just meet out in centerfield, boys

That’s nothing, the Giants hold a AAA outfield meeting every game.

I didn’t know they held AA meetings in centerfield at Yankee Stadium.

What in the goddamn hell is CC complaining about? If you can’t field your position, you shouldn’t be out there. And if you can, what do you care if he wants to stupidly take the bat out of his own hands? Of all the dumb “unwritten” baseball shit, this is definitely the dumbest.

Yes, the current situation still has to be dealt with. By the way, why do you think Obama put a September 5th expiration date on DACA?

Wow, look at the ego on this kid.

What’s even more mind-blowing than the evilness is it’s not even self-interested evil. I could at least understand an evil banal enough to be justified by self-interest or profit.

Risk. Yeah. I guess you don’t pay attention to what’s going on in the countries many of them are coming—no, fleeing—from.

I think the overwhelming majority of parents are coming here as a way to give their children better lives. So no, obviously I don’t think that’s evil. People without the resources to legally immigrate fleeing 3rd world and war-torn shitholes for America may be illegal, but it’s not evil.


Wherever the caribbean people are. Goat is delicious. Cute animals are absolutely delicious. I have a theory that cuteness is directly proportional to deliciousness. I said that once to a friend on a ferry ride and a woman with a child shot me a dirty look. I wanted to tell her not to worry because her kid actually