
Or Douglass. Or Fayette. There really are a shitload of options here. Just probably not Fulton or DeKalb is all.

Well, you assumed that the guy’s “all the time” comment was accurate and not just more of the same crazed ravings as the rest of his statement. There’s a decent chance that he just hates the guy that touched him and decided to play it up knowing that it’s basically impossible to quantify “all the time.”

An independent and sovereign Alabama also wouldn’t contribute any federal taxes, so would you need to check if they were a net-giver or net-taker of federal money in order to make that Estonia declaration? It wouldn’t surprise me to see that they received $1.30 for each $1 in federal taxes (or something greater than

“Commonwealth of Independent States” was the moniker that time.

Just worked for me after about 15 seconds of the page you’re describing. I think it just takes a long time to render.

Yeah, that part of the story was literally unbelievable. I can’t imagine a woman that I’d like to be friends with putting up with that conversation.

District B13? Such a good movie, sort of. Awesome parkour and action scenes, good ending! Some weird other parts, though.

You’ve probably figured this out already, but that other commenter is kind of a d-bag. They spend the afternoon yesterday trying to convince some other commenters that we need to worry about the paucity of innocent men being harmed over trying to rectify the obvious imbalance.

It’s weird that they think it’s suspicious to bring up collusion with Russia while Trump is trying to “get his agenda passed.” A President should be trying to get their agenda passed at every point during their term, the entire four years. Therefore, if we take those two as true, it would be considered suspicious to

Fantastic book! Not much to add other than that I love that he gets a portmanteau stuck in his head and uses it to death in the span of a few pages.

So basically, what you’ve said is:

Fine, so you know more about it than me. Would a person really be tried and convicted of murder if the other person in their partnership was the one who did the stabbing, and the death of the victim wasn’t a part of the plan or the goal of the crime? I would think that’s textbook felony murder, but I would certainly

Now playing

I’m a big proponent of “F”, “H”, and “W”, because the first two expose a lot of consonant combinations that are tough to imagine. I feel like when we’re puzzling out things like that, we have a tendency to get hung up on V-C-V-C-V-C patterns without considering “FL”, “SL”, “CL”, “CH”, and other combinations.

Felony murder is the technical term for when a person is killed during the commission of another felony, e.g., if you steal a car, and during the getaway, hit and kill someone, no matter what the circumstances are, it’s called “felony murder”. There was a case in Chicago where a couple of guys were stealing something,

“I regret the manner in which those thoughts were expressed...” NO, jackass!

Saying that he shouldn’t resign until the others do is whataboutism in that you’re implicitly saying, “they did this stuff too, so you should pay attention to them instead.”

You seem tense and angry and uninformed.

No, there isn’t actually a line. If Franken is to resign, there’s absolutely no reason to wait for the others who were discovered before him. Saying that he gets to wait until the others resign first is just disguised whataboutism.

They make a separate UP one so you can get the set. Same with Long Island and New York. Hawaii only has Oahu, though, which is a bummer. It would be cool to have separate chopped piles for different ingredients on the different island boards.

Jeez, Cold Fusion? Get with the times,!