
I am so so proud of all of these young people who are learning to speak out and fight for change. I’m 36. My peers did shit all at that age. Hell, my youngest sister got kicked out of a state building in Missouri with a bunch of other high schoolers when they went to protest cuts in library and arts funding. Not the

November 17! Darth Vader looking all slick under my tv! And guaranteed delivery that day! Of course, I live 2 miles from one of their warehouses. Amazon, I mean.

November 17! Darth Vader looking all slick under my tv! And guaranteed delivery that day! Of course, I live 2 miles

Oh I hope it will be wonderful! I’ve seen Gloria twice. Once at The March for Women’s Lives in DC in...2002? 2003? And then about 9 months later she randomly showed up at a tiny (less than 200 people) Le Tigre show. It was a sea of cell phones (pre smart phone) in the air as we all called people to listen with us.

I really wish that artists that I like would stop being gross. I’m at the point now where I pretty much only listen to music written and performed by women. And not all women, oh no.

This is the only review I needed.

Oh, then you are golden. NBK is my also my favorite soundtrack ever, and while The Crow soundtrack is not as perfectly curated, it is excellent.

Needs one for “heroin is bad” /squeeze

You must be a youth! The Crow predates Donnie Darko by 7 years. It is very, dark but not remotely as incomprehensible as DD. For context, it came out just after Natural Born Killers, and is much closer in feel to that, or True Romance. There are some great characters, and some great lines, and it is very ahead of its

My other half has been made to promise that if there is a need for confrontation he allow me to deal with it. He is 4in taller but 15lbs lighter than me and gets shaky. I turn into she hulk and thanks to an abusive husband I can take a punch like a motherfucker.

Miranda Lambert (who I love) has had a tendency to dress up in stuff that makes her look two feet tall and two feet wide. She fucking nailed it in this. Post-divorce new stylist I presume.

Regardless of their respective genres, this is soul music. It could be a scene from The Commitment.

The first Obama election I was in Kansas City, MO and I stood in line for an hour and a half, not to vote, just waiting for the correct voter rolls to arrive (3rd times the charm!) it was another hour on top of that before I was even inside. I had the luxury of an office job so I could stay. It may only take five

Have you considered Canada? Toronto and Vancouver are apparently fantastic! I’m mostly kidding. The thing that gives me hope is how vocal and involved the youngest voters seem to be this time around. I have great faith in millennial voters. They grew up in a fishbowl and whatever sense of entitlement people love to

Rise of the Evangelicals. And they are everywhere now, geographically. And thanks, in part, to TLC and their duggar shows, they are incredibly visible. At its very literal beginning, it IS about men owning women, and women only having value as penis sheathes and incubators. You might find our current presidential race

No, it's weird and creepy and gross. You are familiar with our purity ring culture? Dads give rings to daughters when they promise not fuck anyone before marriage. Sometimes as early as elementary school. Yuck.

Don’t fret. You hear about the unhappiness a lot more now because we are actively working to destigmatize it. And people that become mothers before you have a tendency to play “scare the newbie.” My completely unscientific anecdata is this. I was certain I would have PPD due to a long history of depression in my life.

You know how when you fold a shirt, you fold the sleeves back and then fold the lower half under? Basic fold, retail style. He brings the shoulders forward, puts the sleeves together and folds them back towards the shirt, then folds the long narrow strip into thirds. So you get a crease vertically down your front.

So it’s feminism that’s to blame? That’s....not right. If you don’t want to be charge of all that shit, then don’t be. I haven’t asked my fiancé if he’s a feminist because he demonstrates with his actions that he sees us as equal partners. The person who makes more money (or rather spends more time out of the house)