
Headbands and barrettes? No! I have never heard of these of things. I am new to your planet. Please kind person, explain to me what these headbands and barrettes are? Where do you humans keep these magical things? Must I quest to the top of a mountain? Or into a deep ocean trench? They sound lovely!

Fuck em. I support you 11ty-million percent.

Hard Candy is about psychologically torturing a creepy fucking pedo. Is GM hiring process based on having zero knowledge of media that existed before you finished college?

You’d think that would be a reasonable solution. But (for a white girl) I have SO MUCH hair. Like, yo think you know thick hair? Welcome to my jungle. At 2in it just stands on end trying to curl for all its might. All a trim is Gina do is lengthen the Tim during which I fight the Dorithy Hamill. Trimming the ends just

When specifying Missouri you really need to also specify east or west. St. Louis and Kansas City are the difference between (literally) Catholic and snake handling.

I found this comment via the round up. Fuck her, you are Wesome. Dcding to not let it be a major thong......doesn't help at all. My mom sucks too. I hope your holidays are good.

I care about.......none of this. I just came here to declare that I shaved m head a year ago. And a year later in the growing out priceless I have a full on Rachel. Talk back to my drunk ass your options on Anyang. We can fight or Le or whatever. But layers suck.

If you are in Northern Cal you should come to Reno! Or at least come in Januarry and drive the circle around Lake Tahoe. Real snow! Beautiful!

So many words and yet I have no idea what your point is. And I'm a parenthetical motherfucker.

Excellent jammies.

Thanks for unnecessary lecture (boy if that isn’t Christians in a nutshell) and the really spectacular point missing (again!).

I am not at all surprised that you really just don’t get it. If you are Christian and I have to hear about it, any time, any where, regardless of context, I like you less. I feel like you must be one of those people who think there is an actual “war on Christmas.” Here’s some context, for two straight months (at a

I just found out about rommegrot and the recipes have huge variation. Can you recommend a good one?

My other half got home from work with roses and three lovely strains. I just tried my first Headband and all is floaty and good.

No, last year was actually about Love Actually. This is about Die Hard.

Well that’s what it’s like. We are a nasty vicious people. And it starts long before high school. And depending on the severity, can really fuck people up long term if they don't kill themselves first. It is absolutely common for teachers and admin to ignore it, enable it and participate in it. Not all of them. But it

One of the many reasons we will be celebrating Sithmas when the children are born. We’ll sit up on Sithmas eve and tell the story of the farm boy who saved the galaxy. If you are bad, then Boba Fett will come and feed you to the Sarlacc.

You can do anything you like. And I can like you less for it. I'm not sure if you know, but I am not actually the person who makes all the rules in the world. Don't be embarrassed, I get that a lot. It's actually my cousin, we just look a lot alike.

Yeah I can see where you think that might work, but nah. Guess who doesn’t quote religious texts at me? Ever. Jews, Muslims, Buddists etc. But man oh man, do I have hear about Christ.

How exactly am I silencing anyone? What you are doing right this second is exactly why I just can’t with the bible thumpers. Strangers having an opinion is not oppression. And having opinions about celebrity couples and how I apportion my affection is forcing people to think exactly like me how? Get off the cross