
I think she is pure genius. I hurt from laughing.

I assume this is how this happens: Jimmy or staffer says "hey, Wiig could totally be done up to look like Harry Styles." Jimmy agrees, they tell Kristin, she says "who?" and they say, don't worry, just do the interview in character. Being the best sport *EVER* she agrees. Hilarity ensues.

i don't understand how some people dislike her. she's perfect.

Well my morning has been made.

Is already over it. Snow is not nearly as much fun when it's not going up your nose.

This is cool. I wonder how it would look with my gut?

I will be wining and dining myself while watching the new House of Cards and I have never been more content with life.

I'm married because I hate people. I just couldn't take all the socializing that being single and dating involved, so I called it quits pretty early. That way I only have to put up with 1 person.

Right? Someone upthread interpreted my response (understandably) as saying unmarried people are lonely. Wasn't my point at all (I'm unmarried, but in a LTR with a wonderful guy that makes half what I make). My point, as you suggest, as well, is that for the singles that are miserable, many probably have a long List of

Yes. She really does.

This is all you need to know about the new season:

No panties are to be worn under practice clothes or uniform, not even thong panties.

When people tell me I'm fake, I know they're just pulling my leg.

I think people who do are being remarkably short sighted. Nowadays a degree is not really a guarantee of earning power or even intelligence.

I think it is funny that this is viewed as "More Women Marrying Down" and not "More Men Marrying Up".

I have a friend who won't even look at an online profile of guys that don't have degrees (let's ignore the lying liars factor). For a long time it was bachelor degrees but now it's advanced degrees. Yes, she is single, never married, early 40's. So, yup, they are out there. And they are a little lonely, imho.

I hate "studies".

"Only 39% of newlywed women who married a spouse with less education out-earned their husband, and a majority of them (58%) made less than their husband."

That's my case. I'm working on my JD but the gent in my life stopped at a bachelor's degree (in an actual science, granted. Mine was in arts). My parents kind of look down at him for it because they think I should be marrying up (or at least at an equal level) because they think that financially, I shouldn't be making