lol Fuck-It Ralph is fantastic.
lol Fuck-It Ralph is fantastic.
“We are bookend millennials,”
does that mean one of you was born in 1999 and the other in 1000?
I felt that way when I rewatched some episodes of Community recently, which was kind of crazy because it used to be my comfort show (seasons 1-3 at least). The 30 Rock episodes I’ve rewatched have held up pretty well though.
It’s definitely in newspaperese. But not quite a “crash blossom” like the original “Volinist linked to JAL crash blossoms” (referring to how a young violinist injured by a crash has recovered), or my favorite: “McDonald’s Fries Holy Grail for Potato Farmers” (referring to how getting a McDonald’s contract can be very…
I think of soap. And murder.
But what do power bottom men have to say about it, that’s what I want to know.
“You have two choices: we sodomise you with this rusty, jagged metal rod, or you watch ‘Kingdom of the Crystal Skull’.”
Lol, nerd.
“At Bell Labs we are bringing the future of communication to your home. No more will Father, Mother, or little Billy have to ask an operator to connect them. With its futuristic “dial” it’s in their destiny to directly contact the person they want to speak to!”
I think it holds up better than almost any other comedy from the 21st century.
My experience when I tried to rewatch is that season 1 is really rough. Lot of space between laughs for me.
It’s not really a show with great characters, or even great plots. It’s just a vehicle for some great jokes.
The show’s kind of jumping the Director’s Chair now.. The last two episodes have played out like one of Barry’s fever dreams (like the brilliant beach scene) but when you couch OTHERS in reality around it, it becomes a narrative mess. The idea he has been brainwashed in to imagining Sally trashing the house in her own…
Barry’s facial hair and overall look seems entirely different in that last scene. Was the time jump just a fantasy?
To me a lot of this time jump seems like a delusional fantasy. As though we’re going to find out that we’re seeing Barry’s break from reality once he was arrested. Too many things are just wrong about the story we’re being told.
It’s worth noting that Gilpin starred in The Hunt, which Lindelof co-wrote.
There’s kiddies and titties and even a bear!