
Her awkwardness is just the right medicine our country needs right now.  


Watched the avenger documentary on Disney+ and he gives a quick second commentary that left my gaydar ringing.  

Wow! No mention that he’s from Stockton, CA. Just like no mention of Mayor Michael Tubbs, the youngest black mayor of a mid-size/large city in this nations history despite two documentaries (one that premiered at Tribeca Film festival, the other that was just featured in HBO), who has the most progressive agenda of

lmao thanks for the much needed laugh.

they almost had me and then, boom, photo of Mario Lopez. appetite lost. 

i don’t know who’s filipino adobe you’ve been eating but the main sauce ingredients in adobo are vinegar, soy sauce, bay leaves, brown sugar, fresh ginger and fresh garlic. how that’s similar to this dish?

Even stranger, she was able to go back to her original face which felt like part of her winning oscar campaign for Judy. 

i ain’t gonna lie, i’d let that last one hit it. lol

And, again, it’s a generational thing and it’s a gay thing. Just like we teach older LGBT+ to be accepting of younger generations using “queer“, i’m starting to think we need to be teaching younger generations to be just as tolerant towards their elders.

omg! that show was horrible! and to think rich women every do this ish to themselves and think it looks good. 

fuck you av club! i thought you said Supersonic! 

huge wendy and lisa fab and a few years back they had a residency at Largo in LA. totally weird to be sharing a small space with folks like Prince, Seal, Laura Dern, Eric Clapton and Vincent Gallo. Gallo was a trip and he can still hit it. anyway, the most hollywood of hollywood moment was them calling Maya and

yeah, i love her and her episode of Hot Ones is top three best. i watched her interviews online which included one with the hot ones dude and she has yet to learn that a lot of Drew goes a long way. there’s a reason why she is a legend and once she figures out how to dial it down, he show could be huge.

Snoop is a toxic mysogynist who has never made amends for his violent past. just cause Grandpa is a pot hews doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be held accountable. And i’m over Martha’s shtick too.The fact she stayed silent while Snoop encouraged violence against Gayle King spoke volumes about both of them. instead of

Own your privilege! Of course your experience would be different.  

America, fuck yeah! 

Trumps on it.

One of the most powerful theater experiences. I will never forgot the sight of the huge and beautiful Samoan behind me. I turned to see if the audience was as devastated as I was to see this man, owning his emotions and allowing a sea of tears that illuminated him. It took the audience about five minutes to get up and

Ding ding dung and yet I recommend it all the time.