
The only film I stopped. I watched enough Wile E. Coyote cartoons as a kid that I just can’t anymore. 

Ditto Schindler’s List. Bought the deluxe anniversary DVD and turned it off after thirty minutes. And fuck all the cisgender gay white men who championed the boring ass non-chemistry non-sexual Brokeback Mountain. 1) Harry Hanmil and Michael Ontkean ruined their careers for doing Making Love and deserve all the gay

Reminds me of the signs put up in theaters when Dancer in the Dark came out warning that the film led to people becoming nauseous and even throwing up. Sure enough, took a big group and two felt I’ll sigh one yacking. 

I have only seen Happiness back in the day when IFC actually showed real indie and foreign films that were of quality. It was late at night and I was half asleep and kept wondering if the movie was real or if I was dreaming. His favorite film for me is Palindromes and yet I’ve only been able to see it once cause it’s

Omg, I have no reason to post now. ^^all of this!! 

I look for the day when Madonna and Janet has a friendly rivalry. At least that was fun.

No, no, no, no. I just don’t see how dysphoria could allow someone to function as two separate sexes without mental or medical consequences. While I’m not a medical or mental expert, I’ve worked with hundreds of trans siblings and their stories are universal in how gender dysphoria impacts all aspects of their lives...

Not even that is necessary once expecting parents realize the child, when they are ready, will share what gender they are.  

I just started Parks & Rec. Looking forward to watching what you’ve shared. ;)

Bingo! Lol 

White cisgender geeks. And it’s tiring. 

Oh fuck, this! And I loved the film but too many sound edits and visuals made me think of Lynch. Yet, I horribly miss Robert Altman and know Lynch is getting up their in age and I know it’s bad but was hoping Paul Thomas Anderson would morph into the Altman and in a way, I wouldn’t hate if Charlie decides to be the

I don’t think I’ve ever seen any of her films but this is his you do a Random Roles. Top Ten! And she’s earned my future interest in her work.

Ha! Just posted the same thing. Oddly enough it’s directed by white twink horn dog Gregg Akkari.

Yeah! It’s a really good show and it’s daring how it addresses addiction on a realistic yet still funny fashion. Folks really need to research how media production works. It’s lazy to label stuff as crap because Chuck involved.

If folks haven’t seen Smiley Face , it’s streaming on Amazon Prime and I’m not sure if it’s good or bad but it’s an insane watch and spotlights why she is our generations top comedic female actor. We just don’t have a Mel Brooks or Mike Nichole’s around time spotlight her.

I appreciate the daughter coming back but if she appreciated her grandma, she should be referenced once and a while. It’s just lazy writing. Unlike how they address the nurse lady. They rarely give her attention and they all hate on her. Has there ever been a character on a show treated like she is? It makes for

Thank you! Made it half way through the movie but it was too triggering. Leave tomorrow for help. Hope to come back better and will try watching the rest then. Thank you so much for your kindness. 

Thank you! They’ve already released remastered versions of each album so unless this includes more ish, so what?

I’ve not well right now. Your post has given me some needed warmth. In solidarity!