
Janney is great in moderation but having. E the sole lead scares me. As much as I love this show, I hate how the kids are ignored, and no, one great episode explaining the daughters hatred does not make the absence of relevance good storytelling.. plus, the show has a serious Friends ethnic issue. 

I got nothing. Make your money and go away. 

Gread RR but wish there was mention of his early early queer prison role. The movie is told in three parts and he gets very hot man on man action. 

I love her and what she stands for. Yet, mixed hair is a totally different beast and we need the representation and guidance too. UGh, my Mexican Mom knew nothing about mixed hair and I got the hot iron treatment with Vaseline once a week. The hair pulling. The tears. Same as my two sisters who’s mother, a mixed woman

Didn’t we all know this? And why no mention of the gay club they partially own?

Fuck her! Where was she when this shit mattered? I remember being 20 and hot big dicked daddy dropped me cause I was friends with a guy who got press for writing and getting arrested for a million in checks. He asked, “why are you still friends with someone like that?l”

But my reports say they are still enjoying unlimited unlubed bro passion. Which source should we believe and then write about hot sweaty, hairy masculine penor in pie whole action? 

He’s a mess. 

Don’t forget her piling on The Color Purple? They kiss for Christ sake and it’s obvious their relationship was a turning point. 

We need some diversity up in here!!

It’s tied to how many gay men started their sexual experiences via taboo circumstances. Either by having relations in a family home were fear of being caught by parents adds to the interactions hotness or going at it at a park or car cause it’s the only safe space. Kid grows up and keeps chasing that taboo sensation

I can dig it! 

It’s obvious he’s projecting the pain from his loss towards the replacement film. Feelings are messy. 

It’s a freaken pandemic. Don’t be *that* Scrooge. 

Holy shit! This was not the end of story I was expecting. 

Our ten year was similar! Big dinner Saturday and family picnic on Sunday. The picnic was a bad idea cause everybody was horribly hungover and the parents were over their kids. I loved it.

On the flip side, I had someone reach out to me on Facebook and apologize for bullying me. Now as a chubby feminine future gay, I was bullied like crazy. Yet, I don’t remember him ever doing it. I thanked him still.

In a lazy kinda way. Love me some Laverne Cox but she elevated a whole bunch of LGB folk and more importantly, trans actors. Let them shine too Academy. And I ain’t hating on Laverne. They called and she said yes. Go Mija! 

Just stop. My people are fucking dying due out of control police *and* racist ass policies that show leaders don’t care if people of color die disproportionality during a pandemic. If that’s not reason enough to get off your progressive ass and vote, go fuck off!!!

Nah! Hellen Hunt is the poor woman’s Laura Dern and thank Jebus Dern finally got her Oscar or else I was taking Hunt down. There is no reason why Foster or Hunter are being brought into this mess.