Reservoir / Pulp? Django / Hateful?
Reservoir / Pulp? Django / Hateful?
i’ve been doing a rewatch, and in the 2nd episode the Crane brothers are expressing their admiration for Stanislav Grof - exactly the sort of new-ager that guys with their credentials would hate in real life. And the show takes place in the 90's Platonic ideal of Seattle.
I’ve got enough cognitive dissonance that i can still watch all the Mission Impossible movies but anything involving Grammer or his cult is a bridge too far for me.
1988, The Suburbs. (imagine an Spielberg / Stranger Things style aerial-shot to set the mood)
anyone else need a diagram to explain what the holy fuck is going on in this story? Neither of the pictured children are hers, but she’s demanding Tony Shart let her see one of the ones that IS hers (can she see the other one? Does she not WANT to see the other one? In deleting her tweet, does she not want to see the…
totally. And you know he thinks he looks like a badass.
no need to be sorry, just point and laugh at the clown.
This is an article about a show that’s centered around (increasingly) squick-y subject matter, that has a reportedly toxic behind the scenes atmosphere, where a woman director left, and the show was revamped so it didn’t have so much “female perspective”. And you came to this article to piss your pants about fucking…
yeah i myself haven’t really cared for most of Marvel stuff i’ve caught since maybe 2016. You’ll be happy to hear that w/ Ant-man, they seem to be smothering themselves out to some degree - which definitely means more art films which will adhere to your high standards and impeccable taste, and absolutely NOT more…
hey, Kanye going full one-of-the-good-ones has done wonders for his standing among fox news watchers.
The Flash - assuming it’ll ever see the light of day, and i’m dubious - already IS dc’s Spiderverse. No “/s” needed.
THIS is how you start a shared universe!
romney knows about people’s opinion’s on abortion. He also knows which one he’s required to have as a Republican.
you totally should. Feels like cult docs are pretty much all i watch anymore. No better explanation for what’s happened to our country over the last 6 or so years.
seriously. Imagine giving a fuck about what the Christ Trash Agenda thinks.
I was a vaguely peace-and-lovey new wave kid from the Denver suburbs who all the skaters and punks thought was a poseur, so most of my friends were among that first wave of white kids who made the jump from The Fresh Prince/MC Hammer to NWA and the Ices T and Cube- we all watched it because the fashion was DOPE (the…
Hopefully, this is the opening of the floodgates.
this looks offbeat and unique in a way that’s relevant to my interests but if it starts playing out like that Adam Driver opera shit from last year i’ll be switching over to the latest episode of She Marvel pretty quick.
Can somebody give me a non-conspiracy laden reason why CNN and MSNBC doesn’t routinely have reporters hounding the NRA’s people about this? I’m genuinely curious.