
I would argue a decade

Pearl Clutching - outrage or dramatic protest, especially from a woman, caused by something the person perceives as vulgar, in bad taste, or morally wrong but that does not elicit a similarly strong reaction from most other people.

I dread NBA Jam vs Space Jam as a sequel....

They better get Tim Curry while they can.

Now I’m imaging a Half-Life movie trilogy, where the third movie never gets made.

NBA Jam is ripe for a NBA cameo’d cheap film.... it's so easy to make. It would be awful, but it's literally money on the table.

Its a generation of IP, since the mid/late 80s, many, most really, of the best stories are video games. People don’t read anymore, they play games. The best IP, the best stories, of the 90s/00s are video games. It's what will drive Hollywood for years to come....

There was already a DOOM movie.

Warner Bros. pretty famously has no money. They’re not necessarily insolvent, but they’re basically buskers on the street outside Disney’s door.

It’s really weird. I don’t know how you managed to include sound effects in this article but while reading it I could hear the sound of pearls clutching.

Makes sense when they’re making the Conker’s Bad Fur Day movie.

Bull shit.

So this article is basically “Let’s be mad that others are enjoying something” How miserable are you Hughes? I’m excited this is doing well. My Dad plans to take my young nephew who is very into Mario. This has turned into such a toxic space. Just let others enjoy things ffs.

If by “always” you mean “the last 30 years” then yes.

You think Disney is going to run out of money? Or do you mean that Warner Brothers is going to run out of money? Because both of those companies have all the money. 

“Great pitch, I love it, but one note: could you make it more conquerish and less commandish?”

Oh the Christian fundamentalists are gonna protest the HELL out of an ActRaiser movie.

They should adapt that dreamcast game Semen.