
This has “Live Action Cowboy Bebop” written all over it.

Borderlands seems like the franchise you’d immediately go to James Gunn for since it basically runs on the same kind of humor and character interaction as his Suicide Squad and Guardians films.

I’d say that both Borderlands 2 and Tales from the Borderlands improve the story by a pretty huge degree, mostly just by giving the characters a bit more complexity and letting them play off one another.

If it were up to me I’d forget about the first game entirely and make Handsome Jack the villain. But this started

Keep in mind that this movie is primarily based on the original Borderlands game, which doesn’t have the most complex or hard-to-tell story. So why nearly a dozen writers have been brought in to help poke and prod at the movie’s script, I have no idea.

You know what, if the studio wants to just shitcan this thing as a tax write-off or something, I think I’m willing to look the other way just this once.

Keep in mind that this movie is primarily based on the original Borderlands game, which doesn’t have the most complex or hard-to-tell story. So why nearly a dozen writers have been brought in to help poke and prod at the movie’s script, I have no idea

If there wasn't visibility before, multiple gaming sites reporting about the bear fuckin' live on stream might change that.

The ESRB doesn’t actually play through the games they rate. Developers/publishers provide them with descriptions of the game’s potentially offensive content, videos, screenshots, etc, and the ESRB decides the rating based on that. In this case, Larian likely told the ESRB that the player could have sex with a druid in

Always check the comment history. They go on and on about the “left”.

I’m pretty sure that was sarcasm, but you can never be totally sure anymore.

The Cock of Vecna

Shut the fuck up, you boring ass misinformed failure of a person. Get a life.

your comment is more than twice as long as the article.

‘You know what, you’re completely right, I hear you. That’s something I flagged as well.’”

“have her cornbread and eat it too”  jeez you guys don’t even try to hide your racism anymore.  go crawl back under a rock or something, will you

The little gaps in cultural knowledge can be wild. I’m sure this guy has been interacting with American culture his whole life and, because he didn’t learn the cartoon appearance of a specific folklore creature, he didn’t realize the mask was of a leprechaun when the hat was a dead giveaway.

Even though they weren’t fun games, I was always a fan of Drakengard 1 and 3 because they were so fucking weird. Not enough games are genuinely strange.

And people still bitch that she was fridged even though that word has no meaning.

I wonder how many legs Writ is on at this point.