

people loved the idea of rpg elements jammed into every game when it started happening.  it would be cool if we are turning a corner here.

So, this is most likely just a front for “donations” to whichever terror group these jerkoffs belong. “Oh, certainly, I just spent $2,000 for this awesome visual novel for it’s quality, not because it bought rental on a truck and a bunch of fertilizer”

Just missing the “the Globalists” / (((them))) part at this point, honestly.

Or not, it may very well be in there, too.

Get the fuck out of here and never come back.

Yeah, that last paragraph there is what we call feminism.

Steam allows you to return a game if you’ve played less than 2 hours. And generally speaking provided it is not malware, copyright infringement or a scam, yeah they allow pretty much anything.

I saw a movie called A Boy and his Dog, a movie about a nuclear wasteland where the protagonist and his telepathic talking dog was looking for food and women to rape. Everybody referred to women as “females” and when they actually found one that had been raped and murdered the kid complained that he didn’t get a

“loosely following my own experiences”

I’m just gonna quote the article you linked when you talked about Men’s Rights

lol wut

There is so much to unpack here, I don’t even know where to begin.

Description from the Steam page.  Kind of ironic considering the dev understands nothing about psychology OR philosophy.  But name a better duo than being wildly uneducated and being an MRA.

Gee I wonder if the “hard times make strong people” argument is going to be used to justify making things harder for *very specific groups* in the interest of either killing them off or “making them strong”. I’m sure in these peoples’ eyes, the holocaust made for some “very strong people”.

I was actually thinking this kind of game looks exactly like what he would do next ... 

Oh okay so this is the Domina guy trying to save his career. Cool.

I love how "I like to do my own research" has become such a convenient shorthand for me to instantly dismiss the person saying it as a complete fúcking moron.

So what has the dev from Domina been up to lately?  As a purely and totally unrelated question ...

“Downturn” “Billions in profits”

I fired up Stadia on my phone after I heard it was getting killed. Had only used it once or twice because Google sent me a free setup. Now that I have dedicated fiber, it works pretty damn well. Destiny 2 had no noticeable lag compared to the console version. Stadia and cloud gaming in general has potential, but you